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ceramic water dispensers?

Does anyone know if a local store stocks these? I used to see tham at Walmart, but they don't have any, and haven't had them for quite a while. Here's what they do have:

This is a piece of junk. Two reasons. First, it's made for water containers that have the push in top, and not a threaded top. So, if you unscrew the lid on your 3-5 gallon jug, you must tip it into place, as on the ceramic bases. But, the ceramic ones hold probably a gallon or two in the base, so you will get little or no spillage. The one above holds such a small amount of water, that you WILL dump water all over. I started using a small piece of plastic wrap wrapped around the bottle mouth, and this is then pierced by the dispensor. But, after about 4-5 months, it leaks internally and then all over the floor, counter, whatever.

I bought my daughter one of the ceramic ones from Walmart about 4 years ago, and it works just fine.

So, forget Walmart and Target. They don't have these ceramic ones. Any place else?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I don't know how the timing works but Walmart sells the ceramic variety seasonally. We have one. They have gone up in price a lot of the years. If I see them again I'll try to remember to let you know.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon, on your link there was other options listed, that included this Primo ceramic dispenser as the first option., you may be able to order from Walmart..

Ace has also had them at times... & there is always Amazon & other on-line shoes for way more options...

Also something to note, we have had older dispensers that worked well for years, but the valves on the more recent dispenser are not worth the plastic they are molded from & we have gotten stainless valve (Amazon) to replace valve that have given up ...
Got mine (some years ago) at Island Naturals Hilo, where they are apparently not seasonal.

The stainless valve is a nice upgrade.
If you want to drive out that way Waimea Water Company has them with all sorts of pretty colors and designs on them. I had a look in there when I went to the consignment shop next door. They probably cost a lot more than the ones in Walmart though.
Amazon has a lot of them

Yeah, I went ahead and ordered from Amazon. The plastic one at Walmart is simply junk.The ceraminc ones might have the faucet valve (my terminology) go bad, but those can be bought and ordered. They also use a plastic ring around the edge of the ceramic base to seal with the water bottle/jug, but that can also be bought.

Here is the junker you do not want:

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
One thing to be aware of with those ceramic dispensers: you can't set it on anything that responds to water: a wood countertop, or a table. The bottom of the ones I've had and seen have unglazed ceramic on the bottom and a small amount of water leaks through - I think the intent is for it to evaporate and cool the water in the container (as it does on those wooden framework stands) but if you set it flat on a table it will damage the finish on the wood.

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