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Does Humidity Make Weather Feel Hotter?

Relative humidity is just a ratio between the amount of water vapor in the air and the highest amount of water vapor possible at the current air temperature. Be it 115 degrees, 15 degrees or 15 below. There always can be 100 percent relative humidity and any percentage below.

And, as it's been pointed out in one of the old threads, when it's cold, the humidity makes it feel colder.

Hawaii isn't humid like Central America. I had to focus on the "pretty birds" while leading a birding tour in Costa Rica in March 2007, because we were nearly keeling over in the heat and humidity at Carara Nat'l Park on the Pacific Coast. If not for the cold beer and swimming pool at our lodging, I don't think we would have survived. It's never felt that oppressive in Hawaii.
The hottest I've ever been was 117 degrees (low Rh%) in Tempe, AZ. The highest heat index weather I've ever been was in Corpus Christi, TX, at 98 degrees and 98 percent relative humidity.

Comparing the two is a subjective thing - it's a different kind of heat. Tempe, AZ at 117 felt very much like an oven, burning the inside of your nose and throat, sun searing your arms, the tops of your ears and the back of your neck. Corpus Christi at 98 degrees felt like a sauna bath. Steamy, soaking, stifling, hot, but not searing burning hot.

I have a little bit of skepticism about those "heat index" and "wind chill" factors. 117 degrees is tremendously hot. There's a big difference between 113 and 117. There's a huge difference between 105 and 117 degrees. It's incomparable the difference between 98 degrees and 117, regardless of relative humidity. 117 is freeking hot. 98 degrees, even with 98 percent relative humidity, is just very uncomfortable.

Aloha! ;-)
Aloha! ;-)
Southeast-Asia is terribly humid,and nowhere in Hawaii does it even come close. Actually I have only slept on top of my covers two, maybe three times in the past year! You guys will be alright!


“"Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts."

Jim Morrison


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
This is by far the most temperate place I've ever lived, and after nearly two months as a full-timer, I'm lovin' it. I've done cold, NW Pennsylvaina; hot, S. California; and mixed, S. California at 6500' feet. This is great!
I sure wish more people would use deodorant.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Awesome information.. thank you all a bunch! [Big Grin]

I lived in Las Vegas, NV for 2 years.. hated that 100+ degree heat, and the winters were very bitter! The truth is, I learned to adapt and keep myself comfortable (usually with air conditioning, lol) and I survived without being miserable the whole time [8D]

I just looked up my current weather:

43 degrees with 87% humidity. Winds at 9 miles per hour. I'm freezing and miserable! In fact, my hands have literally been ice cold for the last 3 days straight, and it's not even winter anymore! [:0]

It gets up to maybe 70 degrees during the Summer time, with high winds that ruin the entire ocean experience among other things. I live about 1/2 mile from the coast and it's always too cold to really enjoy your time there with the expection of a handful of times per year.

During the Winter our power and internet access goes out multiple times, sometimes for days at a time. The power is a real bummer! lol

I'm thinking it will take us some getting used to since we've lived in this cold weather for several years.. but nothing we can't handle! [Wink]


~ Rachael
LOL mgeary, we moved from Tempe to Pahoa...lovin' the rain! I never thought I would experience 120 degrees. It's like opening an oven when you go outside...and if you have metal earrings that dangle they burn your neck!! Have to agree it's a relief not to go through Summer running from AC to AC (house to car to job, etc.).


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Damon -- "I sure wish more people would use deodorant."

Yes, and bath! Allowing the sweat to stay on your body causes bacteria and, once it's there, even a little sweat brings the odor. It can be not only at the armpits, but on your back and chest. It's a different than the jungle rot around the private parts that will itch -- that's fungus, not bacteria.
oh man.[:p]


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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