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Limiting number of tourists to help environment
Tourism doesn't fund everything and not even as much as it used to. How much was tuition to UH 25 years ago or to Hawaii's community colleges? It used to be subsidized and darn cheap because we wanted an educated ,dynamic well educated population that would drive the economy in diverse ways.What is tuition now? Not to mention how far behind in repairs UH campuses are. If this tourist economy means only those with money can get educated and ahead, doesn't that make you ponder it's direction? You don't need a degree to be a lei greeter or a valet so need send anyone to UH 'cause when they graduate they going mainland anyways..I think it's called 'kicking away the ladder'...

Originally posted by Damon

The "State" can restrict transportation COMPANIES from transporting tourists to the islands by making laws that make the companies unprofitable. Thus, they would have to raise their costs to only those that could really afford to get to HAWAII!
[Big Grin]

How many tourists would come if all of a sudden the price of a plane ticket jumped from $1000.00 to $10,000.00 because of State Airport "Fees" [Wink]
Coming home soon!

Well I said it long before Aloha and ATA collapsed. Had the state acted earlier and stopped the fuel taxes on airline fuel in Hawaii then Aloha might still be in business.

Its amazing at how much business environment affects tourism.

I think Hawaii is doing a fine job in limiting tourists the way we are going now.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Originally posted by Damon
I'd love to see a tourist cap!

OPEC has granted you your wish!
That would help on more than one level.

Less tourism would me people in the tourism industry could afford less food and gas thus lowering their carbon foot print which by the way is probably 1/100th that of Rev. Al Gore.

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