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For all you realestate folks...
For resale in the Puna area, is copper or plastic plumbing more valuable or are they equal?
thanks in advance
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Not the answer you requested but...
I was told that our acid water (catchment) is harder on copper.
but I like cpvc anyway.
Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
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No idea about resale (but do not remember ever hearing the fact that copper or plastic was used in a house here, when we were looking for a place...)
We rented in lower HPP, on catchment, and own in downtown Keaau, on county water. Both homes had copper, both were 20+ years, and both had problems with pitting of the copper (the house we own had the plumbing replaced due to leaks a little over a decade ago & we are replacing it with CPVC due to the pitting that is in the 'newer' pipes. I think that the combo of salt & VOG (even the little we get here is very acidic) are hard on copper (all of our plumbing fixtures had interior & exterior etching, so even the brass is effected). Do not know how well CPVC will handle the combo, but that is what we are replacing the copper with (both are faily comp. in price here... with copper fittings a little easier to find, as CPVC fittings are out of stock more often).
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Reselling copper? Are you thinking of competing with Home Depot?
Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator
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Copper or CPVC ? I would suggest you call my mom that had SB replace 175 ft of copper down her driveway from her meter and 30 ft UNDER the slab because the acidic soil ate pin size holes in her line all along the line. (she only noticed it because her bill (county water) kept climbing over a year from $35 to $300+.
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Very funny, but I get your point. I did not state my question clearly - For resale of a house - is copper or CPVC of more vlaue?
Thanks for all the interesting input so far...
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I don't think copper is supposed to be buried is it? We put in copper in our house since PVC gets brittle after a few years but that was before the price of copper went through the roof. It is all above ground installation, too.
Building for resale value seems an odd way to build a house. It is really hard to predict what the buyer will want when they look at a house so if it were me building the house, I'd build the best house I could although there are always a lot of compromises made when building. One can only build the "best" house when money is no object and one still has to define "best". One would think that a well built house will always have resale value although what that value may be is unknown. There's always "location, location, location", too!
If I were buying a house, I'd much prefer copper over any sort of plastic.
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Kurt Wilson
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Any place else on earth, copper would be preferred. But it was pointed out to me by an inspector that copper is subject to corrosion. Not pointed out to me by any inspector is that no structure, nor any fixture to a structure, nor any plumbing beneath a structure, nor any BBQ behind a structure can stand up to the air of lower HPP!
Best option: Grass (not bamboo) shack! Like the one in Kealakekua!