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Goon Squad in Ocean View?
if you can retreat you must rule... so, even if you are in your own home, if you can run away you must.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
ok I have a cwp. Have had one for ten years. I think this war on Drugs is unrealistic, and frankly I am tired of my tax dollars going to fight the so called war on drugs. each to their own if you want to screw your life up with drugs, but when you do harm to others because of your addiction, then yes their should be penalties. but when you start talking death penalty over drug issues it just not right, what happened to an eye for an eye.

They say pot is the gateway drug. I have to disagree cigarettes and alcohol are the gateway drugs, and their legal.

Your meth heads are not pot heads. think about it pot is a depressant and a anti anxiety, where meth just tweeks your brain, if you like pot your not going to like meth their such extreme drugs in what they do.

We have proven the D.A.R.E project was one of the biggest jokes the gov. has come up with yet.

Their is obviously some major corruption with the police and good ole boy network.

Have we already forgotten that hemp was at one time one of the biggest cash crops for the united states now it is for Canada. yes the T.H.C is different from the hemp plant vers pot. but the principal is still the same.

I think we can find a lot of better things to do with the money that we are waisting on this so called drug war.

Why are the ingredients for Meth not illegal. hmmm sounds like the gov. is just trying to keep themselves in a job.
I will be curious what happens in Nov with the vote on the table. to make pot the lowest priority on the books.

And as far as the growers in the jungle. hmm imagine for the moment of the economic state, I for one if I had a cash crop, no matter what it was corn vegs. ect if I have tens of thousand invested you bet I would do my damnest to keep people away from it.

Taxing it is not the answer. If you legalize it, would you not essentially be driving the large time growers out of business, those that would want it would simply grow it. it would devalue it to a point that it wouldn't be worth the work to grow large acres of it. their would be no profit. why do you think Meth has become so prevalent. its cheap and physically addictive, not to mention you have a good chance of blowing your house up with the white phosphorus that is used to make it.

Prohibition on alcohol was a good thing but look what has happened since the legalization of it. it has become a disease.

If any of you can show me documentation that pot is physically addictive, I urge show me.
I can show you the addictive side effects of the legal alcohol and cigarettes, but yet their legal because its big money for the gov. Theirs something majorly wrong with that.

Are prisons are overflowing with non violent drug users, roughly 70% we have proven that for those that want to clean up their lives drug court really works, but each person has their own bottom. and until they reach that bottom, no matter how long you lock them up the addiction and the underlying problem is still their.

I think the police should be making the jungles safer and leave the people with medical marijuana permits alone.
I think as a society we have our priorities a little screwed up.

Forums like this help all of us learn from on another to see different prospectives, so we dont walk with blinders on.

we have relinquished way to much control to the gov. and it has bitten us in the butt.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....
Originally posted by DickWilson

Dirk; I disagree about defending yourself in Hawaii. If you are in danger of bodily injury or death, you most defintely can defend yourself. However the same rules apply, the danger must be reasonable, imminent, not avoidable. If you can walk away do so, verbal confrontations, gestures, insults do not constitute a clear and present danger. If you feel endangered than by all means immediately defend yourself, remembering that as soon as the threat is over you must stop. Thus if you must defend yourself, do so violently and with a view to disabling your attacker, Again I recommend a stout cane or walking staff, hardwood or aluminum, used on the forearm, then the knee. Both sites if addressed correctly will disable the attacker immediately. The knee will also prevent the attacker leaving the area. Then be prepared to justify your actions to law enforcement, which would apply no matter what weapon is used.

dick wilson


Im not an idiot. I carried with a CWP in WAshington State for many years and never used it in any way. Im not sure what you got from my post but a self defense tool is to be used for self defense regardless of what the tool is. I just dont go taking out that tool should someone say something I dont like. The tool is for use defending your life.
Dirk; Didn't think you were an idiot. Just got the impression that you felt that because HI does not allow CCL, that one was somehow defenseless or prevented from defending themselves. Didn't find your first post that you were hammered about, but the way you wrote I thought you were saying one had to allow yourself to be a intimidated or prevented from frequenting certain area's. Which is BS, no collection of punks anywhere should prevent you from going where you want regardless of the self defense methods available. Just felt like you were saying that no firearm left one with no options. I disagree with HI stance on CCL's and will work to change it, but I think its going to be uphill all the way.

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
in 2003 over 7000 alcohol related injuries to people under 21,2002 29% of drivers (15-20 years old) who died in traffic accidents had been 2007 12988 people died from traffic related deaths 31.7% of those were linked to 2007 here in hawaii there were 138 fatalities,45 were linked to alcohol or impaired drivers 32.6% the odds of you getting hit buy a drunk and dying are much greater then hiking in a forest and getting killed from a pot the taxes,the feds tax alcohol at about 7% or .05 cents per drink.hawaii state also taxes spirits(hard alcohol)$5.98 per gallon,wine $1.38 per gallon,beer $0.93 per gallon and cigarettes $1.80 per pack.with all those tax dollars teens still die from alcohol,innocent people die from drunk drives and cigarettes still for life in prison,i come from new york state were we have crazy drug laws from the 1950's.we have more non-violent drug dealers in prison today then murders,rapist and violent criminals.i'll take my chances hiking in the forest,no drunk drives or second hand smoke.if you really want to go after criminals how about the ceo's, lobbyist and politicians who steal your tax dollars p.s before i forget hawaii state has the second highest tax on alcohol in the u.s and the most DWI and related accidents percapita,so much for tax dollars
since i moved here i've never heard of anyone being confronted while hiking, maybe in mendacino, california, but here? if you've ever hiked in the jungle then you know how difficult it is to find anything, lol!

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