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Those rivers only put out enough to be viable during our wetter periods, and come drought not much at all, plus there's not enough of em to be feasable plus the noted harm to a rare public commodity (fresh water rivers).
With modern drilling technology, I suspect some other place would work. The existing plant could produce enough, but their location is a problem, not of their own, but the state's problem.

Burning cane was the pre harvest ritual, it removed the leaf before harvest and is done by most cane producers every 2 years or so. It is still harvested and burned in Maui which hasen't been quite as yuppified as BI. It was one of the main causes (bi annual smoke) of the demise of cane here, and at that time UH had a huge presence in Hawaii, with the original geothermal, OTEC or ocean thermal in Kona, and Kohala task force in N Kohala, all UH efforts to show the backwoods locals here how to do it. Everything they touched failed dismally including geothermal, until a private corp ORMAT took it over, now everyone hates Ormat because they're succesful.

Remember last year when the Navy offered UH Hilo 10 Mil for a building and a contract which would be classified, and some UH Manoa activists came over and badmouthed it, leading to a No Navy decision. Try and find out about any of the UH failures on the BI, and tell me about secrets! Stopping burning, and consequently cane, period was their only sucess. Maui didn't have the UHH status, and was spared as they had less professors around. And yes Bagasse was burned, unfortunately the Hilo mill did loose some into the ocean, but it was being worked on.
Gordon J Tilley
Well dakine,

I have been in this frey before and have read scores of pages of reports and documentation, but I cannot quote the sources, and do not want to spend the time to relocate them, so I guess that my statement will have to stand merely as an opinion.

Like I said, the geothermal issue never got much traction for a multitude of reasons, but I know when I am outnumbered and I will choose my battles elsewhere.

It is my opinion that geothermal is a viable alternative power source, however, I also think that solar is too.

Solar makes the most sense... and God knows there are plenty of places to put solar panels on the island. I like the idea of hotels having to put them on their roofs. Great idea. I also think that they would be fine on the lava around KOA... why not? Nobody is going to develop that area? And in San Francisco the city gives energy rebates equal to 3/4 of the cost of the system. In some cases for lower income people it covers costs 100%. This is a case of the government doing a good thing. However, it has to scare the hell out of the electric company. Why aren't they leasing rooftops and installing solar panels themselves?

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
HECO has solar cornered, they have it set so you get free juice when the sun shines, but can't sell back your excess or trade it for dark times. And the rigs they sell are top notch. The only quote we've had is from one in HPP, where it was put at "about like a medium SUV", I surmised at least 35,000$, and that's without battery backup. Anything less is illeagl. Gotta pay the Mob, the Matson Mafia!
Gordon J Tilley
HECO is the problem! It's a privately owned company that has made sure it will remain the top dog of this island for years to come through law. Any competition for HECO could not offer cheaper prices to you. With geothermal energy we could go from the highest energy(HECO) rates in the nation to the lowest with geothermal. But not so fast, HECO has the law set up to that no other outside energy company could come in and offer cheaper prices!


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Beachboy, you're dead on right, this policy is a throwback to the Jimmy Carter days, and is supposed to help the new alternatives get it together. But when they do (like Geo), HECO won't give em a big enough hunk of volume to help us. I'd like to see the majority list of stockholders in the Matson Mafia.

However Matson dropped it's shipping rates because hitting the mainland with exhorbinant rates gets em into problems as people on the mainland would squak like hell if they didn't drop with fuel cost. So does that mean YB is dropping, nope or the HECO HELCO & MECO. That only hurts Islanders and they can take it!
Gordon J Tilley

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