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Kalani Retreat candidate forum Aug 24 -- debrief
Although we did not originally plan to, after running up on some old friends, we all went to the candidate forum yesterday in Opihikao.
Participants ...

3 Council candidates -- Gumapac, Joseph, Stocksdale.
2 Mayor candidates -- Moore, Pilago.
4 State House candidates -- Blas, Hanohano, Marzi, Sparks

...and a good, not huge, crowd of people in the audience.

It seemed most of the audience were there to genuinely learn more. That is, not so much rent-a-crowd and camp followers there to applaud their own candidate on prompt as with some of the bigger forums.

My guess is, Pilago earned a few more votes there yesterday. His demeanor, grasp of issues and necessary actions, and easy rapport with the audience certainly put him in a different class than anyone else on the stage (our two friends had not heard him before and were positively impressed with Angel the person).
Moore as usual, had a lot to say about the sky falling, which in 2008 is not a hard thing to do; however, there is still is zero indication of a clear grasp of what the Hawaii County Mayor might do about any of it.
This was the first time I'd seen the four State House candidates at a forum -- it could turn out to be a real race! Marzi was my blind choice a few weeks ago and I will stay with that as a better informed choice also. (...maybe Fred Blas should have run for Council?).
The Council candidates reminded me of what I heard a neighbor say early in the campaign after meeting a particularly vocal candidate, "He said all the right things." ...that, fellow citizens, is a sure sign to be wary!


James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
I deleted my other post and will repost it here:

Went to the forum down at Kalani. My report is here

I forgot to mention that I saw a few PW members there including Rob Tucker, Jerry Carr, Dr. Weatherford, Nita Pilago, Hunter Bishop as well as Candidates that post on PW Steve Sparks, Kale Gumapac, Wayne Joseph, and Anthony Marzi and whomever else might lurk (and I'm sure there were a few others that I didn't get a chance to meet personally) Sorry in advance if I forgot any candidates that post by their real name on Punaweb.

We, Puna, will soon start getting recognized by the State soon enough!

I did like what Angel mentioned... is that this whole Island needs to come together.

Angel mentioned that his "Great Grandfather" (or something to that affect) worked with one of the Kamehamehas to help unite the islands.


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