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Coqui's, Ice, and Billy Kenoi?
If it is true, that Mayor Kim assigned the Coqui and Ice problems to Billy Kenoi, how were those jobs defined? Sounds like work projects intended to blow in the wind for years. Coqui's are breeding as I write...

I'm a hard data person. I want to see some sort of documentation... even if it is in an article in the HTH.

I can't fault a person for not completing an impossible task...

I can question the wisdom of building a railroad...
I can question off-shore development interests...

I can vote for Angel Pilago and get this show on the road.

I can vote for Angel too. I live in a coqui infested area and am serving on the 2008 grand jury. There are so many cases of Ice dealing/use and the violent crimes tweakers commit. Mr. Kenoi has done absolutely nothing to alleviate either.
"That's good news," said Billy Kenoi, Big Island Mayor Harry Kim's anti-coqui assistant."

click here

"Kenoi, 39, had a high-profile role in Kim's so-called "War on Ice," or methamphetamine, an effort that beefed up both enforcement and treatment programs on the Big Island."

Click here

General Election Unofficial Poll
I am going to check this out.

The whole issue for me is ACCOUNTABILITY.

I shall return.
Checked it out. Rod Thompson, who lives in HPP, is a reporter for the Star Bulletin. He wrote the Coqui article in April, 2005.

Damon, you seem to be able to find info fast, could you please post any other articles you might find on this topic. It would be very helpful.

So, Leilani Guy, how do you put that information into political action?
Your individual vote is wonderful.
Can you turn that vote into 100 or more?
Do your friends have the same feelings?
Are they registered to vote?
Will they contact their friends and multiply this effort?

I so strongly believe in the POWER OF ONE... OF EACH INDIVIDUAL... help us all out Leilani Guy, let's get on the stick and elect Angel Pilago.

Before I wrote my post, I never heard of you.
But if you are on the Grand Jury you have some sense of civic values and I respect that.

So... I'm not asking you to ride a crusading Grand Jury horse around town, I know about Grand Juryies from past communities... past lives, so to speak, but I'm asking you to multiply your vote.

It's one thing to have information, it's a whole other matter to be part of a movement... a movement for change right here in our own backyard.

spread the word... elect Angel Pilago.
I'll do what I can in my comfort zone, like putting my feelings in print here and telling everyone I know. I won't jump up and down waving a sign by the side of the road. I find that tactic very annoying and dangerous, and after getting involved in the total frustration of small town politics in Oregon I swore off it forever, no more commitees for me, my blood pressure can't take it. Everyone I've talked to so far seems to be voting for Angel. PS Barbara, we know each other pretty well! I'm Hutch.

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