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new safeway?

Have you been to Hilo before? Seen the Safeway? I agree with Hotzcatz, Hilo is a large town. And the Safeway here has high prices and lesser quality items than some stores. A new one will be an improvement esthetically. I would not count on a transfer unless you have it in writing from Safeway. Jobs are in high demand here and usually there are waiting lists of people for them.

There are quite a few bakeries in Hilo. And as HotzCatz mentioned, some have recently closed, as well as places like Dominos Pizza, citing the economy and the price of electricity. I guess there is always room for one more though, and if it is better than the rest... so be it. I like the Portugese Bakers my self. I am not much of a cake person, though I had a slice of the best chocolate cake I have ever had last night at the International Cooking Club Dinner at Noel's house.

I honestly don't think a free standing dog bakery would fly here... but if you incorporated into a dog bakery-boutique and maybe also had a place where people could bring their dogs and "dine with them" that would be great. You would have to have outside dining though to be able to get through health laws if you are serving human food.

If this is an idea you want to explore, you should do some demographic research and bring a LOT of money! You should have enough to outfit and run the place for a year.

We saw about 20 dogs at Black and White night, enjoying the scene, some were even dressed up.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Here lies the biggest problem that I see cakelady facing.

Everyone of the weddings that I have been to on this island, it's always been a relative or friend or family friend, etc. who has made the wedding cake as a simple friendly gesture to the Bride and Groom and they NEVER Charge to Make it.

I've seen some very exquisite cakes too, and the big question is always... "Oh where did you buy the cake?"... and the answer is ALWAYS... "OH... So and so made it"

If cakelady is looking to cater to tourists that come here to get married.... Then the honest answer to her question.... Is that most of the tourists that come to get married here on the islands, do get married on the Kona side and not the Hilo side.

My Blog
Thanks for all the advice and maybe with time I can be "that special friend" that brings the wedding cake!
Damon, you have a few good points.

And as someone from the mainland who was married in Fiji, a cake was not even part of our wedding It was more about the ceremony. Then pupus and champagne. And people who come over here to get married usually have very small wedding parties and have to plan everything either through a hotel or online unless they have family here.

Cakelady, I am sure you will find your nitch and it would be great if you can be the friend who brings the wonderful cakes some day.

Best of luck to you.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
We got married "in" Hawai'i "on" O'ahu. we didn't have a wedding cake while we were on island, we had it at a recepiton after we got back home. I iamgine tourists would do the same becuase it's kind of expensive to get a lot of people together for a wedding in Hawai'i.
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