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Bishop New County Public Information Officer
See Hunter Bishops LAST Blog for more detail.

I wish him the best as Public Information Officer for the County.

My Blog
Damon... that is quite a charge for you to take over! It is sad when someone with so many creative ideas gets a "real job" with the politicians. However, I could not wish it to a better guy. Someone has to be the voice of the people (you). And someone has to be the voice of the people in government (him). All is well when the people have a representation. [8D]

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
I'm not sure where you are getting the "quite a charge" for me to take over.

I doubt that I could ever be the voice of the people... since so many disagree with me.

My blog is more of a personal thing that I have going just to keep me busy. Hunters blog has/had more meat to the bones then mine ever will.

The Hawaii Blogging Scene took a real "hit" today. I doubt that I could ever gain the readership that Hunters Blog had.

Hunters hard work that he has done is paying off for him and I wish him well.

Although I do feel compelled to try and write a better and more informative blog because of the hard work that he has done.

My Blog
Hunter has been with the WHT for like 15(?) years and started his blog after he was fired from there. I think he started it because he was pissed off (justifiably) but it eventually grew to something big. No surprise there, after all, he was a journalist and he remained a journalist as a blogger too. I certainly wish him well in his new position.
I agree with Damon, I don't think any of the remaining bloggers will be as big as Hunter was.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I hope this is truly a sign that Kenoi is going to be listening to the people of the islands.

I think Bishop as well as the other recent Kenoi appointees who were with Media outlets, understand the importance of open government.

My Blog
This was my first post as a contributor to Hunter on his opening blog

Congratulations Mr Hunter,

It’s really kind of exciting to see the wave of the future in journalism, expanding directly to our computers without all of the fuss of going out to get “a dead tree rag” I’m kind of wondering thou, will we be covering our birdcage bottoms with old computers someday? What the heck the way that technicality is advancing in twenty years we will probably think that computers are old fashion.

It is great that you have set up this web site and I for one will be exploring it on a daily basic to see what is happing around the Puna area. I have lived in Hawaii since 1970, most of that time on the Kona coast. The Puna side has been the best kept secret in the world, for over thirty years I have been avoiding the east side like the plague. Folks over on this side keep saying that it rains all of the time and you have to be very fond of mold and mildew to live here. Now the cat’s out of the bag and people are finding out just how beautiful this side is. Puna is the fastest growing community in the entire Hawaiian chain of islands.

In 1970 on the Kona side there was only one stop sign, it was on the corner of Palani & Kuakainie highway. The next traffic control device was another stop sign in Waikaloa, those were the days. We all know what it is like today on the west side with all of the traffic and congestion you can hardly breath there. The point that I’m trying to make is that we try so hard to make things better and it seems that all we do is ruin what we already have. I can see Puna being spoiled at a rapid pace with all of it’s growth. Whoever coined the phrase “stop and smell the rose’s” knew exactly what they were talking about. Well, good luck to you and your electronic rag and you have my vote.

The lack
1. July 31, 2006 |

This was mt last post today November 29, 2008

Good for you Hunter,

Since I was one of the first responders to your blog it is only fitting that I be one of the last. It’s been a real kick in the butt and you will surly be missed, but as they say upward and onward. You have my best wishes and as they say “take no prisoners” best of luck.

The Lack
November 30, 2008 | Tom Lackey
I wonder, doesn't the hiring of Hunter to be the spokesperson for the mayors office in effect silence any criticism that would otherwise be forthcoming from him? Granted he and the others from the press that have been appointed are a positive coup from many points of view, but one can imagine a scenario in which their thoughts will have to take a back seat to those of their bosses, in which case we may loose more than we gain.

You know... back when I was a kid... I worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Part of my employment agreement then... was that I would not discuss how we prepared the chicken. [Big Grin]

I think Bishop is making this choice on his own to avoid any conflict of interest.

I don't know why he couldn't have a personal blog that doesn't relate to work though.

If he kept his blog active as it is now and just quit blogging as a journalist and started blogging as a common "joe the Public Information Officer" about his life and other things, then I don't see a real reason why he needs to shut down his blog altogether.

It's kind of just hitting me now. I've been getting lots of emails telling me I'm going to have to pick up the slack now... and I don't feel compelled that I need to write in the same fashion that he did.

Many people started jumping all over him and his blog in the last few weeks and especially towards the end of elections.

It sucks that so many people got offended by him personally for blogging as a journalist and not as himself.

He didn't run his blog to get a job... although I'm sure it helped.

I hope people don't dump all over me like they did Bishop towards the end of his blog. I've always said... don't shoot the messenger.

Nobody was forced to read his blog, yet he allowed people to literally throw viral spew on him for a long time for the differences of opinions that he often posted.

Hunter... Your blog will be missed by most of us.

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