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HPPOA Board Meeting of April 15
Earlier tonight I attended the HPP regularly scheduled Board meeting. It was well attended, with more than the usual amount of owner input and some very exciting guest presentations. Councilwoman Emily Naeole was in attendance, and she made some helpful comments.

During Owner Input, proposed organizational changes for Neighborhood Watch were discussed. I will describe these in a separate posting later since I have a special interest in this subject.

The County Planning Department announced that they are pursuing a grant for Town Center Development Planning and Study for one of the 20 acre HPPOA owned parcels of land. This will be done as part of the Puna Community Development Plan, and the idea was well received. I hope this gets somewhere.

The HAAS Charter School is putting forward a proposal for a charter elementary school on HPPOA owned property. They presented a well-articulated plan, even down to having stamped architectural drawings for a building. An invitation was made for HPP residents to visit their current campus in Pahoa to get an idea of the sort of facility envisaged. This was also well received, and Ms. Naeole spoke in support of it, even suggesting that a County gym promised for Puna might be located alongside it. With money being scarce, that part could take a while, though. None-the-less, HAAS has a good reputation, and HPP would be fortunate if they locate a branch here.

On the road paving front, the Board (very wisely, IMHO) has voted to not award any more paving contracts until the bids for much-needed repairs and overlays on the lower trunk roads are received. This will enable them to budget more effectively by knowing how much money will have to be devoted to the trunk roads and how much will be left for the side roads. Hopefully, a comprehensive plan for spending the remaining bond money will evolve out of this process. The Consulting Engineer supported this move, and he seemed to have acquired a more in-depth knowledge base of the methods and cost-cutting possibilities available after meeting with some of the contractors and reviewing their methods and technology. This is still a complicated and emotional issue, but I saw some real hope for sensible planning tonight.

Unfortunately, I had to leave after the road discussions, so that's all I have for now. If someone else has any later observations or corrections, please post.


Thanks for the report
IMHO......that was one of the best meetings we have had. If someone missed the positve energy and the posibilites for the future, then they truly were missing something rare. That needs to be the focus of the future, as what is left but today and tommorrow?

I hope those members that were there got the message that the target date of May 5th an the Special BOD meeting is where all major item will come together in plain sight for all to see. I thank the BOD for their consideration and support on seeing the value of having all budget information, road costs, and bond proposals in front of us at the same time.

This is a huge accomplishment and one that I feel very good about. Imagine this.....the first time we have had all critical pieces together in one place and time. No more drama....just reality. This was my goal during my tenure and I consider it a blessing, considering what we had just a few months ago. In my MBA of life "If you can mesure it, you can manage it" was an early lesson. We are only days away from reality and it feels good.



I should have mentioned the positive tone and meaningful discussion in my first post. I found it especially helpful that Board members addressed specific owner input in most cases by answering questions and making clarifying or supporting statements. Jeff even paused the discussion at several points to focus on clarity, and that is a mark of good presiding skills IMHO. This was a process that led to some promising new directions. I will be there May 5 to see the next step in that process, and I hope others who want to contribute and not just snipe from the sidelines will join us.

Mahalo Jerry. You may be the true reporter for HPP. It was a very good meeting, longer than most, but Jeff Spaur entertained all comments and concerns.

The man with the video camera and tri-pod interested me. It was kind of funny. HPPOA Board meetings are not prime TV. Interim Board Member, Rod Thompson, has been trying to stir up a lot of flak, accusing the BOD of 'this' and 'that' and apparently needed a personal video of a good meeting and how people work together in community in HPP.

Think of it as a gift to himself.

As JerryCarr has already stated it was a well attended meeting - they had to bring in more chairs! [:0]

There is SO MUCH happening - I am EXTREMELY impressed with the willingness of these - VOLUNTEERS - to dedicate ALL the time and effort necessary to follow through all the issues!
To me - a very daunting task.

I will give only a synopsis of a VERY busy meeting.

AS has been mentioned by JerryCarr, Punatick, Barbara - the tone of the meeting was set early - and it was a significant CHANGE!
An intriguing question is: What brought this about?
The forum debates on Punaweb and hppneighbor.proboards?
The hand-out by Jeff Spaur of his detailed Punaweb post?
The Owner-Input session with it's encouraging comments?
The camera of Hawaii 24/7 running?
The presence of Emily Naeole?
The large attendance - near general membership size?
IMHO - who cares - it worked! (But I do like to ask questions?) [Wink]

Budget: The Board and others involved are working VERY hard to keep on POINT - It is exciting! They are deferring making HARD decisions until they have as much information as possible. Tentative Special Board Meeting - May 5th - bring margaritas! [8D]

Neighborhood Watch: JerryCarr will post - more GOOD stuff. Emily Naeole mentioned funding.

Coqui Frog Committee: Attention ALL COQUI'S - there is a new sheriff in town - a new chairperson was established to form the committee - I didn't get the new chairpersons name.

Around this time - the meeting did not follow the scheduled agenda - there were several groups represented and the Board (particularly -Jeff) was concerned with there time constraints and it was agreed to allow them to proceed next.

Regional Town Center Grant: The County point person was there to get the Boards approval to pursue a Federal grant which involved the EPA to help develop a Regional Town Center proposal for HPP - groundwork stuff. BUT they needed an answer BY MONDAY. The Board gave there agreement - only a signature was necessary - pretty much a win, win situation.

Charter School Application: HAAS (Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science - Pahoa) wants to build a campus in HPP - EXCITING STUFF! Elementary K-8th - leasing one of HPP's 20 acre parcels - they were introducing the idea. SURPRISE - it has been researched already by HPP and there is paperwork to be found that provides extensive information - a former committee member (in the audience) VOLUNTEERED to find it. Emily Naeole stated her support. Another audience member stated the need for not just another elementary school but a High School.
As a sidebar to this - Emily Naeole mentioned the POSSIBILITY of a County gymnasium being built in HPP because sites in Pahoa are not materializing - more EXCITING STUFF!

Officer Finkey was asked if he had any time constraints - none noted. It was obvious that Officer Finkey was there as an Officer and HPP resident - pretty neat!

Paving Phase II: Ron Nickel was VERY patient waiting through several issues. He gave EXCITING news which JerrCarr spoke of in his post. There was discussion, debate, opinions and motion to address this issue with more information on May 5th. - bring Salsa! [8D] I am not sure if we are asking for bids for the major roads to be submitted before May 5th or not?

Nominating Committee: Several Director Positions will be open for voting this year and some applications have been received - MORE are needed! I am not sure which districts are involved.

Treasurer's Report: None

General Manager's Report: None

Unfinished Business:
A) Discussion of HPP Township - None
B) Dexia Proposal - see Punatick's post
C) Added Traffic Burden Fees - an INTERESTING idea very well presented by (name unknown). Basically it is in the let's think about this stage - to be continued!

New Business:
A) Regional Town Center - see above
B) Charter School Application - see above
C) Albezia Tree Concerns - a specific issue with one HPP resident presented through the Board - even though it is a SERIOUS issue throughout HPP - unless it impacts the roads the Board can do little. HPP does not have CCR's.

At this time - the process of finding a new General Manager was briefly discussed -
The Board is VERY aware and concerned with the impact this issue has had on the employees of HPP and is proceeding with caution and everyone's best interest. They already have had serious inquires - BUT are looking for the most "bang for the buck". They will be pursuing ALL avenues for candidates -, etc.

Everyone was then excused for the Board to proceed into an Executive Session.

A humorous Board note - Rod Thompson was dubbed the "Drama King" which he graciously and ENTHUSIASTICALLY accepted.

PHEW - did I mention it was BUSY! LOTS of plates spinning in the AIR! [^]

I have tried to be as factual as possible - but I don't do "shorthand" - and this is how I remembered the events happening - corrections, additions are greatly appreciated. [:p]

"Each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else" - Cemetery Nights/Stephen Dobyns
Menehune & JerryCarr

Would you consider doing the reporting on a new and improved web site OFFICIAL feature link on the home page? Just an idea.

I invited the press and made it well known to John Burnett at the Trib Herald that we welcome his attendance at any and all meetings. He was blown away, as someone had called him and he had interviewed our former general manger. Hmmmmm! Anyway, I will give Mr. Burnett credit, because after hearing what I had to say, he said he had better take a deeper look at the subject, thus the invitation. I wanted the press to know we have nothing to hide and would welcome them telling our story.

I had a chance breakfast with Emily Naeole that morning and once we disscussed what was happening in HPP she acccepted our invite. She has a standing invitation.

Maureen Gapp is the new Coqui Queen. She is passionate about it.

Robin Wright did the presentation on Added Traffic Burden Fees

Just so it is clear the stated reason for executive was employee based and BOD conduct. I will make certain we state the purpose even clearer if and when we enter another executive session.

It should also be noted that I owe a thank you to the BOD for allowing me the flexibility of using the more flexible adaptation of Roberts Rules of Order in running the meeting. Normally other than Owner Input session only invited testimony is allowed. I don't think anyone objected to the extremly positive interaction that occured because we had so many great contibutions from people on the BOD/Agenda or not ( let's call that invited expert testimony). I hope everyone caught the vision of what is possible with having all the horsepower in one place as we did.

What you witnessed was a meeting that could be used as a text book example of "getting it done". OK there were a couple of

May 5th is confirmed....BYO margaritas or video cam

I think we should give our full support to HAAS building an elementary and a high school in hpp. especially since the cops had to use a taser and arrest 6 kids to break up a fight at keaau high school

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