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Got any good ideas how to cut the budget?
I recently called the Department of Parks and Recreation, and asked to know how much they spend on herbicides, and how many gallons they use per year. They replied that "they never give out that information". My question is, why all the secrecy? What is being hidden?
Try calling the Department of Environmental Management.

Perhaps they can answer.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob, I'll look back to see what press reported it.

riceflower, Try a formal written public information request. They may think your some busy-body blogger looking to stir up trouble. So in keeping with the way things are ulitmately going to be, do it the way the policies spell it out so when they respond, it will be without bias.
I have read in the news that the State of Hawaii has decided to continue sending TAT money to the counties. TAT = Transient Accommodations Tax.
This should reduce pressure to pass Bill 49 - the diversion of 2% Land Preservation Funds.

It will be very interesting to note which council members vote in favor of Bill 49 on May 20th.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Excellent suggestion:

Originally posted by Bob Orts

riceflower, Try a formal written public information request.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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