03-13-2009, 02:52 PM
most people with family and work commitments cant make it to the HPPOA board meetings is there anyone that could go to these meetings and let the rest of us know whats going on.
" Menehune
Da Kine
248 Posts
Posted - 03/12/2009 : 23:06:33 Show Profile Email Poster Reply with Quote
I have not been able to make the last two meetings:
Board Meeting - 02/18/2009
General Membership - 02/22/2009
Due to a prior commitment - I will miss this one.
BUT there is information floating around that is QUITE disturbing!
In the minutes of a Special Board meeting February 11th, 2009:
It was noted that "The Road Bond" could generate $600,000 for HPP due to it's
favorable provisions.
But THEN - It was ALSO noted that HPP might be in DEFAULT on "The Road Bond" based on it's 2007/2008 financial report!
I was ALSO informed that a NEW budget has been set that literally ELIMINATES purchasing road gravel to maintain the unpaved roads for the next FIVE YEARS!
From the HUNDREDS of thousands to just $25,000.00. Due to the need to make payments to "The Road Bond".
I thought that the increase in our road fees made the payments for "The Road Bond" and that "The Road Bond" would NOT deplete or affect the general fund?
Why do I get the feeling that SOMETHINGS not right?
O.K. - my bad - I didn't go to the meetings - but a lot of people didn't.
How do we get ANY reliable information about was is going on other than the rumor mill or the minutes of meetings over a month old? "
" Menehune
Da Kine
248 Posts
Posted - 03/12/2009 : 23:06:33 Show Profile Email Poster Reply with Quote
I have not been able to make the last two meetings:
Board Meeting - 02/18/2009
General Membership - 02/22/2009
Due to a prior commitment - I will miss this one.
BUT there is information floating around that is QUITE disturbing!
In the minutes of a Special Board meeting February 11th, 2009:
It was noted that "The Road Bond" could generate $600,000 for HPP due to it's
favorable provisions.
But THEN - It was ALSO noted that HPP might be in DEFAULT on "The Road Bond" based on it's 2007/2008 financial report!
I was ALSO informed that a NEW budget has been set that literally ELIMINATES purchasing road gravel to maintain the unpaved roads for the next FIVE YEARS!
From the HUNDREDS of thousands to just $25,000.00. Due to the need to make payments to "The Road Bond".
I thought that the increase in our road fees made the payments for "The Road Bond" and that "The Road Bond" would NOT deplete or affect the general fund?
Why do I get the feeling that SOMETHINGS not right?
O.K. - my bad - I didn't go to the meetings - but a lot of people didn't.
How do we get ANY reliable information about was is going on other than the rumor mill or the minutes of meetings over a month old? "