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Pepino Dulce
Does anyone have or tried Pepino Dulce, Solanum Muricatum? I will see if the have it at the bian sale. I would like to grow this and was wondering if anyone has ever tried it?

No but I ate them all the time when I lived in Chile. I like'em. Do you have seeds?

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
No. I am looking for seeds. I have read that they grow here. I went to the BIAN sale and no luck. I will keep the search.

Do they really taste as good as canteloupe?

They're similar, not the same. Like a sweet cucumber (that is what pepino dulce means in spanish). It seems like I saw some seeds a while back, but I cant remember where. I'll let you know if I find some.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Thanks. I did an internet search and they say they grow here but I don't see any seeds for sale. I did find a place in Canada and the U.K. that sells seed but I would rather buy them locally if possible. The search continues.


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