04-20-2009, 04:57 AM
To the many puna webers that were at the parade Saturday and came by to Steve’s new mobile kitchen. It was a great success with the Huli Huli chicken grill right behind the kitchen. I cooked up two hundred Huli Huli chicken plates and I think that Steve did about the same with his marinated sirloin steak tips. I’m not sure where Steve will strike next but I will keep you all posted. Hopefully my smoke & dried fish will be up and running also. Ounce again a mighty Mahalo to all.[
The Lack
To the many puna webers that were at the parade Saturday and came by to Steve’s new mobile kitchen. It was a great success with the Huli Huli chicken grill right behind the kitchen. I cooked up two hundred Huli Huli chicken plates and I think that Steve did about the same with his marinated sirloin steak tips. I’m not sure where Steve will strike next but I will keep you all posted. Hopefully my smoke & dried fish will be up and running also. Ounce again a mighty Mahalo to all.[

The Lack