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Dried fish box's
Dried fish box’s

I have been making dried fish box’s to compliment my smoked fish venture. I have found that people seem more interested in the dried fish than the smoked fish. I found this out only in the local market and was surprised. So, I have been devoting some time to building dry box’s for fish and about anything else that one could dry. I have a couple that are 4' x 5' with glass tops and are free standing. The dry tables are bug free and shield the fish from the rain if needed. Each table will dry about 100 cleaned and split Opelo at a time. Sun drying takes about two days of good sun to throughly dry the fish.

The dry box’s that I am building are a lot smaller and much easer to handle. They are 18" x 30" and stack able. Top and bottom are screened and a dry screen in the center for the fish. It is hinged, light weight, sealed, and can be set on any table in the sun. I have built ten of them and have three left [friends have borrowed them to try different fish brines & recipes] I’m going to build about 30 to 40 more dry box’s and set up something on the Kona side drying fish.

If anyone has a great recipe for drying fish and would like to try it in one of my dry box’s contact me at If you e-mail me I will return a couple pictures of the dry box. Who knows I may even start selling them they can be used for drying about anything from fish to herbs.[8D]

The Lack

Best wishes on your enterprise, Tom. My concern at this time of the year is this: With a lack of sun, won't the fish go rotten before the drying process is complete?

Kona Sun

Yhe Lack

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