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Drove ALL OVER HPP couple weeks ago looking at buying some more property and no one ever asked what I was doing there. I even parked in front of various houses to talk on my cell....
Lots of dogs came out to see me, but no people. I really wasn't trying to act suspicious and my intentions were good, but you'd think I would have raised some suspicions.
Oh, I did wave to a couple of joggers on 1st.
So where was the HPP neighborhood watch?[

Puna: Our roosters crow first
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yo Eightfingers, you probably were in HPP when our neighborhood watch is either at the HPP "Oxygen Bar", or visiting the local HPP Skull Queen for a quick break.
Actually, the 'N.W." usually cruises only upper HPP were the least amount of illegal activity happens...go figure? In my two years in lower HPP near the ocean. I have never ever seen the "N.W." on my street!?
I'll say it again, with the size of HPP. We need a police kiosk inside the park somewhere?!
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EightFingers we had pretty much the same experience a few weeks ago. We parked at a lot of empty houses and walked around taking everything in, writing down observations and taking a lot of pictures. Then again I am not sure how suspicious two gay guys from the mainland in an obviously rented Jeep look so perhaps that was part of it. We did get the feeling that there was a sense of neighborhood and people were at least observant of things going on. The people we did encounter were very friendly and lots of people waved. We had a good feeling about it overall.
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Did you happen to go by the house on Kaloli that had all those roosters in front???? I could hear those things crowing clear over on Paradise.
I could never live next to that........
Other than that, I like the area too, that's why I was looking to buy a few lots there during this down market.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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Don't you mean the house on Paradise with all the roosters? It's at 11th St or thereabouts.
When did you see joggers on 1st St, that could well have been me!
Property prices are very low now, not sure how long that will last. Get in quick.
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Yes we noted the chickens/roosters at that place for sure. I think it is in one of the vidoes I took and posted.
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While we were looking at places to buy we spent hundreds of hours slowly driving through different neighborhoods checking places out. The only place anyone ever stopped and asked us what we were up to was in the back of Nanawale. People checked us out in a few other places, but didn't speak to us.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
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At our home in the back of Nanawale, everytime someone
walks, or drives by the house I am out there checking out
whats happening. But then again, I am always out of doors working
in the yard when we are there and when we get the lonely one or two cars going by, its
socilization time! Oh look, someone to talk too!!! but thats me, I like to talk. Even the local dogs gather around our house for that
aspect of socialization. They listen too!
"To err is human, to forgive divine"
"To err is human, to forgive divine"
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Not sure if this website will help in looking for property
In the search bar type in Big Island listings.
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Likalizard, where about in Nanawale are you? How often do you get over? Thanks, Dennis