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we have a corner lot up at mauna loa estates across from volcano villages that had a squatter. once his/her campsite was removed, graffiti appeared everywhere on this lot, on the road and on the telephone poles. a very young couple that has been building their home for a couple of years now across the street from our lot were vandalized several times.

currently, our home is in fern forest. we haven't had any property crimes YET. we feel pretty safe here. while we don't socialzie with our neighbors, we do know who lives on our street.
"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Devany, are you sure the gun-totin' dude your husband encountered wasn't a bit on the delusional side? One would think at least some of that would have made the local news ....
Or maybe he doesn't want too many more neighbors.
the home invasion and kidnap thing happened last year and did make the news, but it wasn't random the houses hit were growers.
as for crime rates. back east i had a sidearm attached to my person most of my adult life. since moving to puna Ive never felt the need to even get one.
Thanks Seeb for verification on the crimes. That is the problem, when there are drugs, thugs abound. The amount of junked cars and washing machines on that street were also part of the reason neighbors come out with guns and an attitude every time they hear a truck come by. The home owners there are trying to stop the dumping, because nobody will take them away once they are on a private road. Some of those streets look like a war zone. It is a shame.

I would not want a gun for any reason. I am not a hunter and I feel that too many innocent people are killed with them. Now Lack, he is the Chicken Hunter. He needs that gun.

I have stayed in a few areas of Puna that I felt were extremely safe, Puna Palisades, Vacationland and parts of HPP. Anywhere that is really far from a police station is pretty much a target, as thieves know how long it takes them to get there. Of course you can build a big tall wall all around your property and have a locked gate anywhere, unless you live on the water.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
The best thing to do is get to know your neighbors. I feel fortunate that everyone on our street watches each others property. We are clustered relatively close together and can see each others houses. that helps. If a strange car is on the street everyone is watching. If your isolated though it gets sketchy. I would build a bullet proof concrete wall to house my electronics and put a bank vault door on it

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Kimo, you are really right there. Our neighborhood is like that too, we all look out for each other and know the cars coming and going. And we talk to each other frequently too. We ahve a lot of retired people that are home during the daytime, which is also a good thing.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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