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Flim flam, It's not needed
Something is happing in Rob’s non classified that I believe should be brought to everyone’s attention. For you nice folks that don’t get a chance to visit the non classified section.

There are many scams in our world and probably always will be, but the ones that attempt to con a person with disabilities is despicable. These types of bottom dwellers must be recognized and brought to light. There is a post there and it is named “Feeling great”, I won’t rehash the responders, I’ll leave that for you to read. The conscientious by some of our aware readers speaks for itself. There is a tag team on that thread [Paul24 & nutrition4life] attempting to doop some of our friends on this great site but got shut down thanks to punaweber’s awareness.

Again Punaweber’s thanks for looking after each other we all work much too hard to give our money away to flimflam’ers’

The Lack [Wink] [Wink]
I'm with you Tom.

I could point to all the BS sites that this is about. But no need give him more glory.

When I have time Tom... I'll send you the info on this clown. Seen his crap posting up on message boards around America. (As well as his canned responses)

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Amen Tom. Those that prey on the ill are of the lowest of scum. Damon, looking forward to your insight on the scum bags... Mr. and Ms.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Well-said Tom, more politely than I could have written it.
Thanks Rob, and I think that there is a little more house-cleaning needed over in the Non-classified forum. Just a thought.

Aloha, Dan
nice to have confirmation that ric's writing analysis was spot on, and PaulW's recognition of the pattern.

It's disturbing to have someone say, I am not that person, I'm being falsely accused, when the truth seems to lie in the punctuation. Boy, that pesky IP identification strikes again ...

(making sure to put a space after the word before I launch into my ellipsis)
Rob, you keep a comfy crib. Mahalo

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