09-11-2009, 06:30 PM
Applicant Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. Debtor-in-Possession Honolulu, HI
Contact Steve Golden 808-546-3877
Project title East Hawaii Broadband Infrastructure Project
Program BIP/BTOP
Project type Last Mile Non-Remote Area
Grant request* $ 6,300,916
Status Application Received
Description This Project provides greater access to affordable, reliable, high speed broadband services to Pepeekeo Point, Hawaiian Paradise, Park Makai, Hawaiian Acres, Fern Forest and Royal Hawaiian Estates in East Hawaii that will bring the educational and economic benefits of the internet to all communities. The project is designed to be scaleable to meet future bandwidth needs.
Applicant Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. Debtor-in-Possession Honolulu, HI
Contact Steve Golden 808-546-3877
Project title East Hawaii Broadband Infrastructure Project
Program BIP/BTOP
Project type Last Mile Non-Remote Area
Grant request* $ 6,300,916
Status Application Received
Description This Project provides greater access to affordable, reliable, high speed broadband services to Pepeekeo Point, Hawaiian Paradise, Park Makai, Hawaiian Acres, Fern Forest and Royal Hawaiian Estates in East Hawaii that will bring the educational and economic benefits of the internet to all communities. The project is designed to be scaleable to meet future bandwidth needs.