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You all must check out these building panels
I am sure glad I haven't built yet! Go to

Interesting Nancy
Have you checked out ProTec? Might be even "easier"


Ninole Resident
thanks for sharing, very interesting technology making it to the big either of you know if material/labor costs for either product is comparable or cheaper than standard stick/built homes?

it always seems like if there are fewer builders that know how to build this way then they charge premium to learn on your home....

hopefully the pre-fab/panelized process will take off here eventually.

thanks for sharing, very interesting technology making it to the big either of you know if material/labor costs for either product is comparable or cheaper than standard stick/built homes?

it always seems like if there are fewer builders that know how to build this way then they charge premium to learn on your home....

hopefully the pre-fab/panelized process will take off here eventually.

I am excited because these 3d panels are very owner/builder friendly!


The Castle block stuff is awesome, what a variety and they're local! The Tri-D stuff is cool and undoubtably very strong but I would worry about finding the mason labor out here. Most of their projects were done in areas like Baja or SoCal, both areas i've spent a lot of time in, there the skills and labor are availible and cheap. Not so sure about how many plasterers you're gonna find for $8/hr out here. I'm going to put some of the Castleblock stuff into my next deck bid.


Once the panels are all up and secured, it is ready to Shotcrete. I haven't checked to see if people are available on the big island to do that, but it looks like one could get the equipment and do self do it or hand apply a concrete, sand stucco like mix on. I am just starting to study this and will have more information as I learn it.


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