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A clever security camera perhaps?
At our last neighborhood watch meeting the security expert that attended and the community police officer stated that the best deterrent is a barking dog.

I can't have a dog because I spend time on the mainland too.I was thinking an alarm like this might work.

The other thing that is always recommended is security lighting.Interior lighting and perhaps a radio on a timer gives an impression of someone being at home.
I look at it this way.
The cops may not see it as evidence but I do. If someone robs me/prowls around my property I wanna know about it and who they are.
With a photo of a vehicle I can alert my neighbors to be on the watch for it and perhaps the guy gets busted red handed.
WOuldn't be thinking about it if people around my neighborhood weren't getting robbed lately. Ah what do I know.

Please be kind.
Please be kind.

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