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Which Is Better Dish or DirecTV
We had dish network and then switched to direct tv.

With dish, rain fade was a real problem. It didn't happen often though. But, we argued relentlessly about not getting the channels on the 110 satellite. Pissed me off to no end. Finally, we finished off building the living room and called dish to order the dvr. Guess what the installer brought out to us? That's right, the huge dish! I had gotten price ranges from $300 to $500 to install from the local installers so I called dish because I didn't want to be charged. They said that in order for the dvr to work I had to have the bigger dish and they weren't charging. But rain fade a couple of years ago really got to us and we installed direct tv.

Ours is on our roof, but we have plywood and shingles; that could be the difference. We had to cut into our concrete slab to connect a ground because we run a pretty simple gen/batt system. But we have had zero rain fade and we can change our programming (depending on our finances) for no charge. Dish charges $5. Installation for dish and for direct tv was free. I really miss dishes channel line up though and favorites selection on the remote. If only they could merge.
I realize that as usual I'm late for the party but here's my experience, for what it is or isn't worth. I had Direct TV on the mainland for years and only had problems when I most needed the Weather Channel (i.e. tropical depressions, hurricanes, little things like that[B)]. A couple of years ago I ordered the advertised $29.99 package they were advertising in the Tribune and it was installed on Halloween. I remember telling a friend about the "treat" I was getting and how I hoped it wouldn't wind-up being a trick. Long story short after numerous hours on the phone w/ agents from Direct TV, countless broken promises by their agents and even supervisors, I settled on a rate of $42.00 for the 18 month contract period and even though I was up to date w/ payments, they canceled my service and withdrew $274. out of my checking account w/ neither my knowledge or consent. I don't trust a word from Direct TV and have encountered countless others who have been ripped off by them as they don't seem competent enough to get the pertinent information like your mailing address until their little promotional certificates expire (you know the little money saving coupons for the $29.99 special). I now find that t.v. for the most part annoys me due to the barrage of commercials, and the for the most part feeble programming. I also find that there is more accomplished and learned in the day and far more to talk about at dinner, which is a huge plus since I'm retired. Living here there really aren't enough hours in the day and there is sooo much more living to do and things to explore. In some ways one of the best things that has happened to me since being on our land is the "loss" of t.v. My advice, pass on it and use the money you would blow on a good book or take your favorite person out to dinner.[Big Grin]
Dish runs circles around Direct. Rarely if ever get rain fade. Awesome DVR. Better program guide. Less money.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Dish network for Dish Move was a no call no show. Issue was less than reliable 3rd party installer ... with 14 days notice - forgot to schedule it, then no show on reschedule.

Company is Big Island Satellite.

After numerous phone calls to Dish and checking with installer 15 mins after the window of time, he was still a no call no show. When I called him - he said on their way - guess I said sarcastically "whatever" ... gist was I told him I had no option if i wanted my satellite 4 days later then expected. he said you do - no satellite. so I immediately called Dish Network, told them story... of course they cant do anything till Oct 7th... Direct TV said we'll have someone out wed, same price, no install charge, and did i mention within 48 hrs?

I was told by someone else today that this particular installer is too big for his britches lately.
We went with DirecTV when we got here bc we couldn't get a DVR for free w/Dish w/o having 24 months as non-Dish customer. SO - we got DVR pkg, plus $100 Visa card, plus $10 a month credit for being a AAA member, plus $12 a month credit for new customer for a year, plus $5 a month credit for autopay and I think there were some other first-time credits I can't think of now. That said, teh dish is huge, the speed of going from one channel to another, bc of the DVR is S L O W and it will eventually cost us, when our first 24 months are up (I think that's the timing) a ton and we did have some problems with the AAA-only number, where the supervisor said we are in Hawaii and can't get the promotion, and I said, "but the ad was in AAA HAwaii magazine!" A few calls to AAA (man, they were PISSED) and a note to DirecTV president's ofc, and everything was taken care of.

Can't understand why they canceled your acct out of the blue, Pam. That's WAY weird. Did you go thru an installer company, or directly from DirecTV? I heard that installer companies as primary contact can sometimes screw it up. Then again, I hear the opposite, too.

I figure we'll then go back to Dish and get a small dish on the roof. We're in HPP and last owners used Dish. I gotta say, though, I can't live w/o the DVR now - completely changes how you watch tv - I haven't seen a whole commercial in like a year. Hubby interrupts while people are talking on the screen (30 years of that!!) and I can pause and listen to him. Also, I do like D101, the DirecTV-only channel bc it has "Supreme Court of Comedy" which is way fun.

Oh - and DirecTV installer dude gave me his cell #. I ended up having to call him a month into it (thingie on the dish went out) and he was here in a day with a new thingie. Plus he gave me a replacement remote cause the first one was wonky.
Originally posted by DTisme

...I figure we'll then go back to Dish and get a small dish on the roof...
Don't settle for a small sat dish with either company or you WILL have rain-fade issues. You HAVE to get the bigger sat dish in Hawaii or you WILL have reception issues. (read this whole thread)
Yeah, that's one thing we have learned from our DirecTV installer -- don't ever call the 800 number for service. Hawaii confuses them, our equipment is different etc. Call the installer directly and they'll take care of things or deal with HQ for you.
That must be why the installer gave me his cell #! I'm ok sticking with DirecTV now I know about the small dish issues (though neighbors with one don't seem to mind - maybe they're used to crappy reception?). What I don't like is how frickin' LONG it takes to change channels - I have no patience for it. Installer told me this is bc of the DVR. Don't know if DISH has same issue with their DVRs.
Originally posted by DTisme

That must be why the installer gave me his cell #! I'm ok sticking with DirecTV now I know about the small dish issues (though neighbors with one don't seem to mind - maybe they're used to crappy reception?). What I don't like is how frickin' LONG it takes to change channels - I have no patience for it. Installer told me this is bc of the DVR. Don't know if DISH has same issue with their DVRs.

Aiming - with the smaller dishes - is absolutely critical as is any trees you might have to look through to get that signal.

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