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Bob Demers Passing
Some of you may know Wayne Bennion and his partner Bob Demers from their travels to the island and Wayne's participation on PunaWeb. Wayne asked me to let you know that his husband Bob passed away this week. If you know Wayne I am sure he'd appreciate hearing from you. He provided me with the following:

"I'm sorry to inform you that Bob died this week. It's a pretty long story, but he got a diagnosis of stage 4 adenocarcinoma, primary unknown. He had had 4 bags of chemo, 2 on Monday, 1 on Wed, then 1 the following Wed. A week plus after that...

Bob got a very severe pain in the gut Saturday morning which took us to the ER after the strongest pain pills we had in the house didn't work. Sunday morning he had surgery that corrected the immediate problem, but complications in the ICU, probably caused by his being so weak from chemo, ensued. Tuesday afternoon we were able to get the breathing tube out and he could speak some. He seemed to be sleeping comfortably (at last!) that night, but he was completely nonresponsive the next morning. We put the breathing tube back in at the urgings of one of the doctors, but then a CT scan of his brain was done, and it was clear he had already left us. After family arrived that afternoon, we took the tube back out and waited for the end, which came around 6:00 am Thursday."

Blake, I didn't know them personally, but I surely am sorry to hear of all this illness, pain, and loss. My thoughts go out to Wayne for his grief.
Hi Kathy and thanks for the nice words. Always a tough situation. I never met Bob myself but thought maybe someday and I got to know Wayne through the blog and a mutual desire to make the islands our home. Just hug your loved ones and really appreciate them as you never know when something like this will happen.

Blakeyboy1 I didn't know this couple either but do send my deepest sympathy and hope that they find some peace in the fact that he went with those he loved around him.
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool

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