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I arrived at this post somewhat late, and perhaps your situation is in process - but if it is not, I suggest you consider Louis Mendonca in Hilo. I'm not sure what area of law he specializes in - but feedback received says he is competent, fair and an excellent legal representative. Good luck!
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Yes, we are moving along and it was over four months ago when we started down this journey. I have not heard of the lawyer you are talking about.
Just to bring everyone up to date, this is one of the most difficult things my husband and I have ever gone through, and we have been married over thirty years. But, as in all things, time moves things along and we hired Barbara Franklin after interviewing another Bankruptcy attorney. She is a former US Trustee and had the knowledge and expertise we needed as we have several things that made our case more complex. She is more expensive, but has been worth every penny so far.
We recently went through our hearing in front of the trustee and it went without any bumps. I will tell you after seeing three other attorneys who were there, and hearing how they talked to their clients, as well as how much difficulty one couple before us was having, due to poor paperwork by their attorney, I was extremely glad we went with who we did.
It was a bit comforting, in a weird way, to see others our age going through this as well. We are truly not alone, and unfortunately on the day of our meeting there were over 40 other people going through the chapter 7 process as well. There were about 20 others in another room who were going through chapter 13. Times this times twice a month, and that is a bunch of local people.
We have about two months to go before we will fully know how things turn out, but it looks like it will be ok in the end, and I have survived all of this so far and am hoping the next two months go quickly.
Best wishes to everyone for a bright new year.
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Best wishes to you too clona. I'm hoping for a brighter future for you and yours....
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Joined: Jun 2005
I wonder in there is a mortgage involved. If so, your attorney needs to see if MERS is recorded as the deed holder. Ask your attorney if they are aware of the MERS situation. If it is, it is possible the mortgage is UNSECURED.