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Taj Mahal last night at Peoples Theatre
LOVE VAN MORRISON. too bad, like most of the greats, he was before my time. Great time to be alive and dancing to Van Morrison... envy you the fantastic memories. Actually, seems like you have lots of experiences with the greats of those times. In my heart I am of that time...just born too late.
KathyH and birdmove and many of you punawebbers,
seems like you were located at the right place during the right time to be a part of your generation. What stories you could tell.
I love reading bio's of the folks around the SF area and the LA music scene during the late 1960's and 1970 decade.
It would be fun for me to hear some stories of who you all have seen.
Maybe a thread keeping it Hawaiian?
What great bands have you seen in late 1960's and 1970 decade in Hawaii? or what were you doing in Hawaii in the late 1960's and 1970's?

My mom is best friends with Ric Grech's widow. Ric Grech was in Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker band, Blind Faith. My auntie came with Eric Clapton and the band to Hawaii and they ended up staying for a month coming over to hang on the Big Island and has very fond memories of those times. She has some great pics of George Harrison and of the band Traffic as well as of Eric Clapton (who she still sees). Interesting times to be alive.
Thanks for the feel good post, Orchidlandguy! Lucky to be your auntie. [Smile]
I love Blind Faith and when I hear that album it takes me back to a particular time and place when it was first released.

I did see the Cream's "farewell" concert in at the LA forum in Nov. or Dec. 1968.

Actually I was too young at the time to really get to join in the fun and always wished I were maybe five years older. Luckily for me I had very cool parents who did stuff like getting me tickets to see Dylan and the Band in 1965 and my dad even went with me ... and got me tix to see the Beatles in 65 and 66, and took me to Love-ins and festivals, let me go to the Monterey Pop Festival ... if not for my parents being open, I would have missed so much.

My husband was older and right there in the thick of it, from the Beat days even. He has great stories.
It would be fun to have a music topic ...
I have probably one connection that would keep it Hawai'i, but I would love to hear other people's stories and I'm sure there is plenty about Hawai'i that could be worked in.
Oh Gene has some funny Jimmy Buffet stories, but is that local?

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