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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
I have lived right down there in the past and would opine at least 80% of the actual 'thats just too fast, speeders' are born and raised + ( opinion again ) like many other tiny towns, have nothing better to do.

Don't know the rest on the bump providers backrounds but everyone, (anywhere) who has kids does not like to see guys ripping up and down little streets..... Takes one to know one kine >>> Even if they used to do it themselves : )

A little give and take please.


Its pretty simple.

Speed bumps are there because there are too many speeders in a residential neighbor hood. Those are the people that typically ignore speed limits and are in a hurry to get to the grave first or worse case hit a kid and then there's a real price to pay.

As an outsider and tourist I am amazed on how many locals are in a hurry to get no where fast especially the macho truck drivers that would just as soon drive you off the road on a narrow street.

Living on the Big Island means you shouldn't be going over 25mph or so in a residential neighbor hood or over 55mph on a long flat road (learn to slow down and enjoy life).

BTW honking your horn (making loud noises) for no reason in many towns and districts is not lawful either.
Its actually a lot simpler, the speed bumps are there to divert traffic into the local neighborhood, because the residents on the old hawaii highway think the coastal puna is supposed to be the highway. There was never a traffic study done, only someones opinion and of course they(being on the board and president) installed them without consulting the rest of the community. I live right off of Papio st. and I never feared for my life or my dogs as I walked down the street many many times. Its also very simple why the president installed a park across from her house.... Try living here and experiencing first hand the added noise and now the surround sound traffic as it zooms down truly neighborhood streets as opposed to the highway they are supposed to use. Surprise surprise they continue to walk in the neighborhood that they diverted traffic into, instead of their newly created "beach walk". If they wanted to reduce the speed of the traffic, there are many effective means of influence as opposed to obnoxious control that would have worked better. Cutting down all the trees for the park, only opened the space up more, I am sure the president immediately experienced an increase in the speed of the traffic in front of her house. I am sure that all the people here think blocking the nile with the aswan dam was a brilliant idea full of aloha as well. The traffic has to go somewhere, these are not people that live in the neighborhood, they are trying to get through on the road that has been in use for hundreds of years. Why else are there huge county trucks clattering over the speed bumps on their way down the old government road? Spewing black smoke as they have to accelerate from a dead stop 3 different times, at least they have not discovered the new "highway" coastal puna, though Im sure it would be 10 times quieter, cleaner and more efficient if they did.
I regret to inform you all of the first speed bump casualty. I know some of you all were not fans of Curtis, I happened to like him. Hank loved to play with him and will miss him. He did not deserve to die and probably would not have if the highway traffic had not been diverted onto Coastal Puna pkwy.
I am so sad to see his life tragically ended so young!
We had to dodge multiple cars coming over the blind hill to get these photos, lot of new travelers just driving through the neighborhood.
in some places dinner is served! peace
LMAO!!! Poor Curtis! Something needs to be done about this fatality. Whats next??? REST IN PEACE[Sad]
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Sounds like the trucks have figured out how to use Coastal Puna.... Should cut down on the noise for residents of Papio st. I am sure they were getting sick of hearing trucks clattering over the bumps.... If Papio st. is not a highway, why aren't these trucks stopping in the neighborhood? Oh theres a truck clattering over bumps on Papio now! Double jeopardy.

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