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Looking for plant cuttings for garden
I am looking for some cuttings for my garden. I like the look of Haleconias (spelling??), as well as lots of ginger.

Does anyone know a good place to get some of these, or does someone have a yard they are going to prune back? I would love to buy a few starts.
Heliconias and Gingers are lovely, but are in the category of 'be careful what you ask for'. They spread and are not all that easy to keep under control unless you grow them in pots.

So...I have heliconias and gingers and you can save me some work and come dig some up. For free. The heliconias are Golden Parrot and yellow Caribaea, and the gingers are kahili, yellow, white, and blue. If you are interested, email me at
Rene is right. Both are very invasive and will run into your lawn, infest rock walls and choke out other plants in the vicinity. These are propagated by planting the root clusters that you dig up. In the case of ginger, you can also plant the "flower heads" that form from the flowers.
We have some pink & red "shell" ginger (Alpinia purpurata) not as spreading as kahili (which the National Park has on their high nuisance invasive plant list) the pink is out & ready to go....

Also have coffee seedlings, palm seedlings, cuttings from sweet lilikoi, giant may even want to try to root some hibiscus, or maybe ti or some ferns....

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