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White rocks on Papio
There are white rocks on the Papio roadway near the speedbumps. At first I thought they were trash bags. They look terrible and I would think not to safe if one had to get off the roadway.
Got to admit they are the ugliest thing I've seen in a long time and do agree potentally very dangerous so close to the roadway.

Look like designed by Ronald McDonald.
I drove by them this am. I think they are there to prevent people from cutting around the speed bumps by driving on the grass. I kind of liked them.

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
Those rocks are a bunch of crap! Seriously Miss. President what in the world are you thinking?? Have you not got anything better to do with your time other than irritate residents on PPKWAY?? You seriously need to stop thinking of yourself and step up and think about the people who's lives you disrupted?? Shame on you. Oh and another thing Miss Pres of the Shore's stop letting your dogs poop on other peoples lawns. They work hard to keep it clean!!!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Narcissism precedes HER self inflated ego so why would SHE care about your issues? If indeed her pooches are a poopin' in the hood one might ask HER how SHE justifies ignoring COH and HSCA law/regulations/CC&Rs Rather disingenuous to purport a community when overtly offering stick finger to the non-Papio Street masses, yes? [Sad]
Been gone a couple of weeks. When I left they were still working on Old Gov't. Rd. starting on the Hawaiian Shores side. Thought maybe some folk who drove on Papio might have gone that way. Anyone been on the resurfaced road? How far did they redo it?
They did gravel which is already washing out form Honolulu landing to sadlick rd. UGH
The road is the best I have ever seen it.Very smooth on the 4 corners side,smoother than Red Road.
It is getting chewed up already on the Shores side from people driving too fast.The bumpiest parts are the blacktop hills.

Those of you who think the rocks are a problem,have a problem!

side effect of putting in the speed bumps, there are many....
I wonder if when someone gets hit, maybe a child on Uwalo st. if anyone will take responsibility?
For now its just white rocks and a perpetual mud pit on every corner of Papio st.
Everybody in the shores can pay their $300 this month and expect nothing in return from HSCA, they don't even bother mowing the grass by the street anymore.
Dissolve the HSCA board, end the politics. Make HSCA a utility with direct democracy for voting on community issues once a year.... makes sense, especially since half the property owners don't live here and of those that due less then 20% want to be involved in the politics, which leaves us with a board full of self interested and benefitting people. If only they could make some more rules and control a few more things....

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

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