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keep right!
I took a day trip with my niece down Red Road from Kapoho to Kaimu today and almost got creamed twice by tourists, (recognized the new Mustangs,) who apparently thought their half of the road was in the middle. I hope that the tourists and malahini would understand THAT YOU ACTUALLY MAY HAVE TO SLOW DOWN AND PUT 2 WHEELS OFF THE PAVEMENT SOMETIMES WHEN PASSING ON A ONE LANE ROAD! It's an island people, slow down! Be polite!

Hey neighbor.

Lets be fair, just as many locals as tourist decide to barrel through, as we encountered two days ago.

High pecentage of those big wheel trucks like to do that + the newly empowered giant SUV owners ..... or maybe its just our Ca. plates ..... LOL

What's worse is the yield to the left on Pahoa Highway. This practice of people turning right having to yield to those crossing the highway to turn left is totally crazy.

Only on Pahoa Highway do you see this exception to the general rule of right of way. It's no wonder two of the most dangerous intersections in the State of Hawaii reside on the Pahoa side of Highway 130. I think we need to change that rule to the more consistant Right has the right of way. I've seen too many fatal accidents and very bad ones occur because of this rule.

I have to agree that the yield system on Hwy 130 doesn't make any sense to me. I don't think I've ever seen it before. It is so counter-intuitive that regardless of whether or not you have the right-of-way, you hesitate to see what other drivers are going to do.

Can anyone one explain the reasoning behind this system? I mean is there a rational traffic engineering reason?

I have been told that the rationale for the odd yield situation on 130 is the fact that it is so hard to make a left turn with all the on-coming traffic. I guess the idea is that it will be easier if they take the on-coming right turns out of the equation. I agree that it is counter-intuitive and has probably made matters worse.



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