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Bill takes aim at medical pot
yah that is funny Smile
Chomsky does scholarly historical work and his sourcing is outstanding. His books, that I've read, are not opinion pieces. His perspective is that of a populist, much like Howard Zinn.

He does not espouse any one economic or social philosophy, although he's been active in populist causes and movements for most of his life, both nationally and internationally.

He does not have followers, in the sense of people following a charismatic leader. The idea of Chomsky being a charismatic leader, is actually kind of funny, if you've ever seen him talk. He's a scholar, although passionate about issues of democracy and social/economic justice. He's more like a charismatic, non-leader.

Face it, Noam Chomsky is a vagina-cat philosopher.Wink

He is strongly in favor of the idea that the people effected by government policies, should themselves, play a major role in shaping those polcies. Puna, in that sense, is very much, "Chomsky country".

Peruse, "Manufacturing Consent".

I'd say that if people here read his works, they'd find much to agree with, much to be inspired by and have a good picture of how our system works.

Marijuana reformers now are the majority, in America.

Gallup Poll:

"Record-High 50% of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana Use
Liberals and those 18 to 29 most in favor; Americans 65 and older most opposed
by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- A record-high 50% of Americans now say the use of marijuana should be made legal, up from 46% last year. Forty-six percent say marijuana use should remain illegal."


Obama is a bigger drug warrior than Bush was. He works for the large banks and they launder much of the trillions in drug money, thanks entirely to the Prohibition laws. He ran for office, criticizing Prohibition. He betrayed his supporters on nearly every issue that he ran on and is worse than Bush with regards to many first tier issues. That's why he has always surrounded himself with Wall Street/Gold in My Sacks/War Industry insiders.

Mary, you are spot on.

Lots of good things happening with the hemp issue around the country. Now is the time to bend the ears of our politicians. Write em, call em, send em candy. Now's the time and face it, they need the input and the calories.

Hemp has been called the poor man's gruel, because it's seeds kept people alive during famines. If we could join the modern world and leafilly cultivate hemp, it could feed people here, should shipping ever be disrupted.

Asian hemp is superior to European hemp. Bonzai!!! It's also psychoactive and medically useful, although not up to snuff in those aspects, compared to "the weed with roots in hell". Bwahhhh!!!

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee, totally agree with you.

though vagina cat philosopher? hmm sounds kinda gross. i'd go for the Oprah kinda cat, more like vjj cat instead maybe. lol

mary, Yes, it's not an elegant phrase. Just trying to find a more acceptable, substitute word to use in place of "*****cat".

Media conditioning is only skin deep, so if you look into officially demonized persons, it's easy to dispel the lies, distortions and propaganda.

Maybe Puna should have a Media De-conditioning Center? Some friends of mine and I were thinking about starting a newspaper, to compete with the Tribune, where we just make everything up.

The internet has really changed the game for the better, in terms of public access to accurate news.

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

(just kidding).**S**

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
War on Drugs is big money. No politician (unless he has failed to sell out, in which case we'll just label him a "nutcase") is going to turn away the money for his/her area whether it's in the form of federal aid to "fight" the war on drugs or in the form of jobs supplying manpower/products/services to "fight" the war on drugs.

The average Joe Six Pack doesn't care about recreational weed, but has been scared by the marketing that the problem is huge and the government has the solution.

True, true. That Gallup poll shows that five of nine, (or is it seven of nine?), Joe Sixpacks now support legalization. This bud's for you, Joe Sixpack!

Beautiful photographs!

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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