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What has Fred Blas done ?
So, Fred is running again for the new District 4 seat. Can anybody tell me what he has done for his present district? As far as I can see, he has painted the Pahoa curbs for the parade and paved Old Government Rd. and the road to his house. I can't see that he has done anything else for this district. Even in the Council voting he sides with the Kona Councilmembers, leaving his constituants in the dark and without representation.
hear hear i agree but the things he does has more to do about him... i believe we need someone i there thats going to see puna for the wonderful things that make puna such a special place for people whom live and work here.where is the excitement of the for the growth in community activities and agricultural practices and all of the farmers makets co-ops and local stores and things along that line our local government needs to be crystal clear on most things ,and everything when dealing with the community where every has an idea of whats going on ,and things are getting done. mr.Blas has done what he knows how and now his time is us help me make that a realiy and we can then see puna grow the way its suppose to grow...TOGETHER

I have two main complaints about Fred. First, he has continued Emily Naeole's practice of financing district repairs and improvements by tapping the Geothermal Fund. Other districts manage to get things of that sort by forming cooperative relationships with other members of the Council and getting funds through the general appropriations process. Second, he has appeared to be solely focused on the Pahoa/Hawaiian Beaches axis of the district. I live in HPP, and we have been ignored for most of his term. Granted, it's hard to do things for HPP due to the "substandard subdivision" conundrum that has existed for fifty hears and HPP's lame board of directors, but there are ways around those. It was only after the Redistricting Commission put Fred in a new district in which HPP made up over half of the population that he began talking about doing something for us, and that's just promises so far. At least he seems to be educating himself somewhat on HPP, based on a recent appearance here, but it's kind of late.

I asked a friend from Pahoa how Fred was different from Emily, and he said, "Well, he doesn't throw pencils." Yes the attitude is different, thank goodness, but where is the substance?
Never thought I'd hear myself saying this but i think we actually got more from Emily,
What has he done? Well for one thing, Fred is creating jobs, he voted for the new goofy, Puna hostile building code. That should be good for the blue tarp industry.
All Fred did is fall right in line with the good ol boy council crew, he just helped put the big island and Puna into a smaller box with less independence and more eating out of the hands of big electric and big construction.

hollinger54, could you explain your statement? With what votes did Fred do as you indicate?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I'd like to know what Fred has done to 1) improve traffic, 2) improve speed of building permit approval, 3) improve internet access in rural areas, and 4) demand that the County take action on owners of unpermitted structures that have had multiple complaints against them.
Originally posted by robguz

I'd like to know what Fred has done to 1) improve traffic, 2) improve speed of building permit approval, 3) improve internet access in rural areas, and 4) demand that the County take action on owners of unpermitted structures that have had multiple complaints against them.

FYI, 4 unpermitted structures in Seaview have been yellow tagged recently as a result of a complaint. I doubt if Fred had the where with all to initiate this. But, is this the beginning of the end of the majority of dwellings in lower Puna? Just wait until the new Building code goes into effect (as written) and watch these owners start paying $1000 per day fines and/or go to jail.
Originally posted by kjlpahoa

Originally posted by robguz

I'd like to know what Fred has done to 1) improve traffic, 2) improve speed of building permit approval, 3) improve internet access in rural areas, and 4) demand that the County take action on owners of unpermitted structures that have had multiple complaints against them.

FYI, 4 unpermitted structures in Seaview have been yellow tagged recently as a result of a complaint. I doubt if Fred had the where with all to initiate this. But, is this the beginning of the end of the majority of dwellings in lower Puna? Just wait until the new Building code goes into effect (as written) and watch these owners start paying $1000 per day fines and/or go to jail.

I don't have any fear whatsoever that that is going to happen. The County collected exactly $0 in fines for 2011 for all the laws that are currently enforceable with fines. As far as I know, nobody has gone to jail. Hundreds of tags have gone up in Seaview over the years, the structures remain, and nobody gets fined.

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