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Adult store
I believe bars have to be at least 500' from any school or church.
#42 the area kids can go to this shopping center and either get a drink, get a tattoo, or get a porn DVD. While I'd argue that the adult store owner was asking for trouble locating this close to a school (and advertising his location in newspaper ads as "across Keaau Middle School..."), seems to me he doesn't pose the biggest threat to the neighbors, and as long as he's discreet and doesn't sell to minors, should be allowed to stay.

In my former (mainland) community, an adult video store moved into a vacant location on a major road (6 lanes of traffic, no nearby schools but residences located within a few hundred feet). People protested, predicted an uptick in crime, prostitution and perversion, threatened lawsuits, etc. (giving the adult store tons of free publicity). Ten years later, the store is still there and life as we know it has not come to a screeching halt. Oh, and I occasionally saw my neighbors going in to shop...
Nice advertising ... Talk about fuel for the fire. Funny IMO.

The guy has to have a sense of humor to do this and for sure he had to know he was in for a fight.

In case of emergency, don't forget the Adult store down on Leilani in town.

aloha, squish,

Loved your comment, Bob Orts!

Here's info from a recent news article (within the past week): "Some researchers have stated that the average age of exposure to pornography is down to 8. Before the days of the Internet, children were typically between the ages of 11 to 13 when they began by viewing soft-core pornography found in magazines like Playboy." The article goes on to say that the most frequent source for young children encountering porn is the internet.

This guy in Keaau upgraded the previous shop that his aunt had run for at least 10 years, I think. And she sold and rented adult videos all that time. The employees were always attentive; the store layout was such that the porn was in the farthest reaches of the shop and they didn't let kids go back there. What's the difference now and why didn't Shipman object to the previous store?

Glen, I don't WANT to use the internet for access to the types of things available in "adult" shops for several reasons, one being that I prefer to see and touch the Astroglide and various products and another being that I don't want my computer to be inundated with those pushing such products. I get enough such totally unsolicited in my junk mail...I'd hate to imagine how much of it I'd get if I actually went to one of those sites.

I think the shopkeeper is within his rights. Enjoyed the discussion.
BTW, there is a very popular bar BETWEEN the school and the shop. Why didn't Shipman object to that?
#45's like buttah!
You're sooo funn-nee, Glen!
Keaau is hurting for business. Damn, I'm soooo sick and tired of the moral majority sticking their noses once again in other's business. I got news for them. The majority ain't so moral anymore! I mean that entire area is an 'eye sore' in Keaau. But at least it's a business for our community generating revenue. That's gotta count for something ,right?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Don't people who want to buy "sex toys" order them online anyway?
Originally posted by Glen's like buttah!
Try "Juicy Lube Cool Mint" instead, it's much better! There is a "Juicy Lube Banana" too. (Kids, are you listening?)[Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Does anyone know what kind of gym that is next door to the adult store?

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