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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
We have a slim chance in Hawaii to fight this issue - we can be successful if we join and fight together as a group. Please read up on what genetically modified foods are and why you should be concerned. Collect and propagate non-GMO seeds. Support local non-GMO farmers. Vote with your dollar.

Good GMO avoidance info:

Similar to when we voted for nutritional labels on all of our food, please again vote for our food providers to properly label their food as GMO.

Edited: Added: Vote to force your food providers to label their food as GMO.

What good would it do? Would it stop the poor people from buying the more expensive NON-GMO food?

Or just give the rich people more options?

IMO: the people will buy whatever is on sale at the lowest price. GMO label or Not. I think it would have been better to stop cola companies from using corn sweetener ... and by the way it's not just used for cola anymore it's IN EVERYTHING! (HFCS) even candybars, bread... even Beer! sheesh!

Ah well at least Hawaiian Sun and Aloha use cane sugar! Smile

Also, what the point in labeling foods with GMO, pretty much everything in a can will be labeled with GMO Stamps. Safeway, Target, Walmart 99% of what you get is GMO. Since it all has HFCS in it anyway. Disgusting but true.
Please do not assume that all shoppers will go for the low price - no matter what the content is. It is true that a great many products - even unlikely ones like horseradish - contain HFCS. But if you read the labels there are always alternatives on the shelves. Once there is labelling and the word gets around, I am certain that the products with GMOs will start to feel the pinch. The producers know that too, which is why they oppose labelling. The consumer will have to persevere for a while with Kellogg's et al trying to scam us with "GMO free" higher priced products until they get the message.

BTW for updates on this subject, go to

happy, healthy eating,
When the biotech industry decides to use the lands and people of Hawaii as its test guinea pig, local farmers, activists, researchers, and others speak out. This excellent documentary was made in 2006 by Na Maka o ka Aina for Earthjustice, the non-profit public interest law firm, and is re-presented with permission.
Label em.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
"Please read up on what genetically modified foods are and why you should be concerned."

I'll bite. Why should I be concerned?

I'm for labelling too, IF it's proven that GMOs are somehow bad for your health. They aren't, as far as I know.
If a group of people decided crops grown on a Wednesday were bad for your health would you support labelling of that too?

ETA - is this a specifically Hawaiian topic?
I see no reason why they label it whatever it is. It's a non-issue. Let the people decide what they want to put in their famly's mouth. I don't see why it can't be done on at least the state level.
Living on the side of creation.
Think outside the box, it's not about the GMO food as much as it is seriously effecting the natural ecology, do your research. JEEZE, keep spraying your roundup
Done my research. Never used Roundup.

So GMO food isn't unhealthy? Then there's no reason to label it.
It's called choice. Weather you believe it's unhealthy or not, transparency necessitates LABELING. Label it.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012

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