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S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th

"The person I would like to hear from is my immediate neighbor. He's active duty, and won't be able to attend. I have a lot of respect for him. He is upset about 1) African drumming, now ceased, and 2) parking in front of his house. He is moving, a result of his duty.

I'm a SPACE supporter, and I think SPACE will address his concerns. He will never be happy with SPACE, but if the next people to move into his house have a pleasanter experience than he did, we're all better for it."

I find it curious that this is the very same person Mr.Way referred to with words such as "petty" and "pissant".
From neutral perspective, S.P.A.C.E. has every right to hold a private meeting. I personally think that promoting a meeting on their private property as a forum inclusive of the opposition is disingenuous. If they want points for reaching out to the community, they should hold a public meeting in a public forum. If they want a meeting to rally support, what they're doing is perfect.
"... The third group are those individuals who choose to take interest in any processes of community or government (This includes me. The situation is a learning moment and case study)" (Rob Tucker)

There is a very important thing to learn:

how the community is going to take care of the community member with severe disability who never complained but suffering from the noise
caused by "good for the community" events?

Would the community help him/her to relocate within the subdivision?
Would the community help with sound proof walls?

Or would the community simply ignore the sick person
because "it's just one person" and "good for the community" means much more that one person's ruined life?

Note:This person is mentioned in Kapohocat's post as someone she knows personally.

So,SUP holders,can you answer the question?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

You seem to be getting carried away with enthusiasm for situations a bit. There are certainly many hypothetical questions which can be raised and they will all have hypothetical answers. Your premise above is based on second hand information and ignores the responsibility of the reported ill resident to make a complaint or express their needs if they choose to do so. Meanwhile you seem to be publicly injecting yourself into some unknown people's privacy.

It is taking a huge liberty to inject yourself publicly in someone's (reported) illness and diagnose the problem, prescribe a remedy and present it to the world.

I suggest that there is already a plate full of issues here to digest and no known need to search for more. If the reported ill residents are competent adults (and I assume them to be not knowing anything otherwise) then let them address their own needs and concerns and you should assume that they are capable of doing so. I will assume that they are capable of asking for your help or anyone else's if they feel they need it.

Seaview is a small rural community. I would not be happy if someone I did not know was making a public issue about my health and well being. What you are doing, no matter how well intended, is bordering on invasion of privacy.

Relax. Focus on the issues at hand. They are solvable. Hypothetical ones are not.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I didn't mention any names.

I wasn't the one who first mentioned this situation.

I understand that this is a very inconvenient question.

I hope that the SUP holders will not ignore it.

There's nothing hypothetical here.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

I agree wholeheartedly.


My advice is that before you make a cause out of someone else's situation you should first secure that someone else's permission to do so. That may be hard to achieve if you do not in fact know them. Otherwise you are hyperventilating over a hypothetical situation.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Hope, I agree. You don't know enough about the person and what the person wants to start making a cause out of it. A year or two ago there were severely ill Punaweb members who were bothered by helicopters. They chose to discuss their health issues and asked for support. That was different because they asked for consideration. Also, you keep mentioning trades and relocation. Relocation is only a fair solution if one parcel is the same as another. It doesn't take into account that people feel attached to their own homes.

Thanks Dan! And thanks for all your very rational and articulate posts.

I would just like to add that even though I've questioned S.P.A.C.E. here, I fully appreciate the appeal of a school, a farmer's market, a venue for music, and all of that. (Loud drumming, not so much.) I love the idea that a community can get what it needs without driving far. A place for people to meet and mingle. All good.

I have three issues with what I have heard here and read in their proposals:
1) I strongly believe that when you make promises to get what you want from people, you are obligated to keep those promises.
2) I support the rights of private property owners to not be overwhelmed by a neighboring enterprise. (Personally I think that the market and night performances etc. should be held in a commercially zoned area that can provide plenty of parking and is close to the highway. If there isn't one, buy it up for the community and get a zoning change.)
3) The rhetoric S.P.A.C.E. uses in its proposals makes me uneasy. It's very polished, and it slides over objections in ways that don't convince me. Although it seems to work for its fans.
Originally posted by StillHope

I didn't mention any names.

I wasn't the one who first mentioned this situation.

I understand that this is a very inconvenient question.

I hope that the SUP holders will not ignore it.

There's nothing hypothetical here.

Stillhope, I think you missed my point. My sick friend ethically will not oppose space because they would be participating if they weren't sick. I stayed out of the fray until I spoke with my friend but after long thoughtful conversations - yes they would like peace and quiet but again they said ethically they would be participating in events and maybe even classes if they were well!

With the Community Meeting scheduled at SPACE we are starting the necessary dialogue that will enable us to move forward with our proposal to the County. We need input from our neighbors and people using our facility. We anticipate that there will be many more meetings on this subject in other venues over the coming months. We are inviting everyone to attend (with the aforementioned exception) whatever their opinions just as we expect to receive invitations to state our case at other meetings. Our intention is to be respectful of all views.

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