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Picking up coconuts along Red Road
I would like to pick up some fallen coconuts along Red Road, but wonder if this is frowned upon? Of course, I would stay off private property, I don't want to get yelled at if I'm not allowed to do this.
I'd like to get some to start trees on my land. Is it even feasable to grow a decent tree from the nuts?

Rob, you can move this to Gardening, but I posted here because it's more of an ethical question.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
It might be better to find some on private property and ask permission. Some Hawaiians are very sensitive about this and/or trimming fronds(for weaving).

I can't recall any public groves off the top of my head.

I picked up a sprouted coconut on the Shipman beach trail about two years ago. I'm looking out at it now and it's about 5' tall. I'm not saying that it's OK for everyone to do that but apparently they do transplant pretty easily.

I live just off Red Road and have dozens of sprouted coconuts.Send me a private email and I will tell you how to get here.
Most people I know of appreciate being asked, and are almost always glad to share.... So it is best to ask first, if that is an option.

One more thing: there are different varieties of the coconut species... some are much taller, some nut sooner, some have meatier nuts, some have more coconut water, some have petite nuts (they are actually planting these in many of the resorts, so they don't have as much worry about gigantic nuts falling on guests heads) So you may want to also at the actual variety (we chucked a nut in the yard when we first moved into this house, and now we are thinking, what type of coconut tree did we plant?)

Coconuts usually begin to bear around 7 years, so ours had a few more years till nut time....
While at a friend's the other day a guy who harvests their coconuts came by. I got to ask a few questions...I never knew that all of the nuts are ripe AND I thought the older ones were spoon meat kine. It's just the opposite! The older ones are the crunchy ones I love. So he said, "if there's a nut then it's ripe."

Also I had my first cold glass of coconut water...yummy. Jeremy says it's really healthy 'cause it has so many vitamins in it that you just don't get commonly.


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Here is the water:

Composition of coconut water %
Water 95.5
Nitrogen 0.05
Phosphoric acid 0.56
Potassium 0.25
Calcium oxide 0.69
Magnesium oxide 0.59
Iron 0.5
Total solids 4.71
Reducing sugars 0.80
Total sugars 2.08
Ash 0.62
Source: Pandalai, K. M. (1958). Coconut water and its uses. Coconut Bull. 12, No. 5, 167-173.

Coconut meat

Coconut, meat, raw Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 1,481 kJ (354 kcal)
Carbohydrates 15.23 g
Sugars 6.23 g
Dietary fiber 9.0 g
Fat 33.49 g
saturated 29.70 g
monounsaturated 1.43 g
polyunsaturated 0.37 g
Protein 3.3 g
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.066 mg (5%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.02 mg (1%)
Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.54 mg (4%)
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.300 mg (6%)
Vitamin B6 0.054 mg (4%)
Folate (Vit. B9) 26 #956;g (7%)
Vitamin C 3.3 mg (6%)
Calcium 14 mg (1%)
Iron 2.43 mg (19%)
Magnesium 32 mg (9%)
Phosphorus 113 mg (16%)
Potassium 356 mg (8%)
Zinc 1.1 mg (11%)
Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database
So Obie...what's that mean? (Carrie says in her most non-dork-like voice)[:I]


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Originally posted by Chuysmom

So Obie...what's that mean? (Carrie says in her most non-dork-like voice)[:I]


Just the nutritional value of the coconut.

The water is like a sports drink.Like Gatorade.

I have about a dozen pickers that come by my house.My trees produce over 1500 cocos per year and I give them away.

Coconut water is the next biggest money maker for PepsiCo. They just went into Brazil last August and purchaced the number one, coconut water producing plant called Amacoco. They are investing a few billion into the Latin economy to insure success.
Coke is not far behind. They just invested in a company called Zito that produces coconut water as well. Watch out Gatorade!
I much prefer the natural nut to the processed product.

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