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Full Moon Labyrinth Walk, 3rd July
On Tuesday, July 3rd, beginning at 7 PM we'll be opening the Awapuhi Labyrinth Garden in Hawaiian Paradise Park for a torch and candlelit walk (hopefully) under a full moon. A labyrinth is, basically, a unicursal path which winds into the center, then out again. This particular labyrinth is a 90ft replica of the 11-circuit Chartres pattern, so the entire walk, both in and out, covers nearly one mile.

Please join us for a quiet, meditative experience that has often been described as "magical." No charge to attend, though donations are accepted.

4th Avenue between Kaloli and Paradise
For further information and full directions:
982-5959 or
sounds pretty good! Hopefully it won't be raining! Wink I'll be there.

A little rain won't stop the walk - the candles are protected and torches are hard to put out. Walking with umbrellas is permitted Smile Strong winds or gullywashers, of course, will make the experience too uncomfortable whether or not candles stay lit!
It sounds wonderful. As a new newbie, I'm really looking forward to doing something like this "in my very own neighborhood."

"Let the beauty we love be what we do." --Rumi

"Let the beauty we love be what we do." --Rumi

It was the first time I have been to the labyrinth. Thanks to Christine, Patty and all the other wonderful people I met last night. Words cannot describe just how pretty this peaceful place is at night with all the torches and candles lit along the way...I will be back for sure. Blessings!


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Yeah it was an interesting place. Timed the rain just right. Got there after a shower... even got to see the moon break out of the rain clouds. When we left is started raining again.

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