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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
The intent of this post is to give a heads up to some of the “not so smart” local pot growers in Puna.

I personally don’t give a crap what people grow, however, I do care when it affects me. We live in the U.S.A. and in this country we use street signs and house numbers to allow others to find us when visiting, delivering mail, general deliveries, service calls, emergency service - etc. When someone destroys my street sign they do two things, one they piss me off and two, THEY GIVE THE DEA THE FIRST HEADS UP INDICATOR! Now I realize many of those who grow pot, smoke pot, unfortunately for most pot smokers, this clouds ones higher reasoning abilities. So I’m going to spell this out in simple English so you can see how it works.

The DEA uses many tools to identify potential growing sites/areas in Hawaii. Before they even jump in a helicopter, they canvas an area by simply driving through it in a car. One big tip off for general heavy activity is missing street signs and another that narrows it right down to the potential offenders is missing house numbers… These are indicators of people who are hiding something. The next step is simple surveillance techniques and then evidence gathering, which all lead to an eventual conviction!

If you are missing your street signs, not posting your house numbers and growing ANYWHERE… be forewarned, YOU are on a list. BTW incognito and covert means to fit in, it doesn’t mean trying to hide your presence as a human.

Rather than destroy your street signs, you should now see that you should be protecting them, like the rest of us normal people. Leave my damn street signs alone and put up your house numbers.

For those who think it’s just kids being vandals… that’s not necessarily the case here in “Puna”.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
In addition to being suspected by simply missing your house numbers and or street signs.
Here’s a little more to think about.

The DEA has 2 specialty helicopters when it comes to surveillance and evidence gathering that I’ve identified out here flying around in our area. One of these birds is equipped with an atmospheric detector for “sniffing” the chemical composition of the air. It’s similar to those used in Vietnam for detecting human fecal matter gases in the atmosphere and that one fleshed out general enemy combatant locations.
No doubt this one is equipped for sniffing out cannabis in given areas.

The other bird was using a spectral analyzer. That instrument analyzes the light spectrum emanating from the vegetation and sorts out the element levels in the collected data effectively determining if there’s a cannabis chemical composition signature and giving the location of the exact plant.

All of the above information is plugged into a GPS and the data no doubt kept on computer. I know they had a special interest in 3 of our neighbor’s places, (hopefully they bust the one who messes with out street signs next, the brain dead moron deserves it).

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
I wasn't aware they used spectral analyzers. Are these ones with or without thronomeisters?
WinkThe answer to your question are the ones without the fiction word you've mentioned.
Welcome to the cutting edge of technology in optical detection, right here and used in Puna...
"The spectral signatures products will be used to investigate and develop remote sensing technologies such as hyper- and multi- spectral imaging to support Counter Drug Law Enforcement Agent (DLEA) illegal cultivation site detection missions."

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
Sorry, Wao, you got me there! But what is a spectral analyzer?
Kathy - missing house numbers are just a possible indicator, since you have some regardless of the quality, you wouldn't be flagged.
Some pot growers are under the assumption that house numbers will allow others to find their crops to steal them; they are trying to not be locatable. It follows along with the paranoia syndrome many pot smokers suffer from. Unfortunatly for them... it's something that makes them stand out in the crowd and thus easier to find them. "Actions speak louder than words".

Tom - These type are optical based instruments, some measure optical wave lengths and others detect missing light that appears in the form of a dark line when the light source is split through a prism into a "rainbow". The lines are atomic type elements blocking the light at given frequencies, the line locations on the split light rainbow indicate the element. The basic technology has been around for many years.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
Wao - with respect, my background is in infrared spectroscopy. I know the odd thing or two about spectra and how to identify molecules and atomic species through both absorption and emission lines. I still don't know what a spectral analyzer is though. If you mean spectrograph then say so but don't call it an analyzer - keep that for the realm of Star Trek.

You’re getting hung up on a specific instrument and missing the point.
A spectral/spectrum analyzer is a simple phrase that encompasses many like type instruments based on the electromagnetic spectrum, from low wave through optical and so on. there's nothing Star Trek about it. A "spectrograph"/spectrometer is a type specific instrument and not necessarily the one solely employed in this operation. A spectrograph would be the second of the two aforementioned examples in the optical form.
I had no idea what your background was. Considering your fiction based word... what was I suppose to think?

BTW... just for your information, a guy with your background should have known better. Here's a brush up for you - Star Trek it isn't

And just an FYI - My biggest hobby/passion in life is Physics and heavy on the theoretical/cutting edge side. I study and collaborate in the field because I love it; not because I was after a degree, career or recognition.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
KathyH - it's all part of the dumbing-down of society

Jungle Man - that's good advice about the street signs. But then if they were smart they wouldn't be growing pot at all. I think what you're saying about the "spectral analyzer" sounds feasible (if not now then maybe in the future) but what makes you think they're using it at this moment in Puna?

TomK - attaching a spectrograph to a chopper and sniffing out marijuana, is it currently feasible do you think?
I thought the helicopters used infrared devices that detect the heat given off by fertilizer.

Growers are moving inside these days and taking advantage of low heat/power LED grow lights. The downside of this is the plants are physically on your property and if caught, there is no way to deny possession. Most people that are busted are turned in by envious "friends".

The advantage of growing outside like you describe is that the narcs usually only get the plants and not the growers. Smart growers grow small "stealthy" strains and spread them out over a large area. When Green harvest starts, growers can pull most of their plants under cover and escape detection.

It's sucks for you, but the only way people are going to stop using "guerrilla" tactics is through legalization. The war on drugs is purely economic and entirely futile.

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