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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
Ha Ha Kane,

Right back at ya if you think HAVING a sign makes you immune.

I did think about you having evidence or not but shook my head and laughed. I don't think you would be able to resist the temptation to gloat to everyone here if you had it.

"looked very much like the sniffing probes we had on the military birds."

What did you do in the Military ?
Originally posted by punafish

And let's not overlook the perpetual "dumbing down" of our government: with limited resources and a mountain of problems to solve, how can anyone with half a brain conclude that Green Harvest is a wise way to spend our dwindling tax dollars?
As it relates to these helicopters, Green Harvest is the scape goat. Unless someone knows exactly what the helicopters mission was, it's all blamed on Green Harvest.

Tour helicopters become Green Harvest if people don't know for sure it's a tour helicopter.
A helicopter on a rescue mission becomes Green Harvest if people don't know for sure it's a rescue mission.
Utility Co survey helicopters become Green Harvest if people don't know for sure it's a line inspection helicopter.
Police helicopters on a search for a missing child or senior becomes Green Harvest if people don't know for sure it's a search helicopter.
A helicopters being used for photographs for a magazine becomes Green Harvest if people don't know for sure it's a photographic helicopter.
Movie site selection helicopters become Green Harvests if people don't know for sure it's a scouting helicopter.
I bet some will even see Green Harvest if a helicopter is dropping water from a Bambi Bucket on a wildfire next door.
Yes indeed, Bob, you are correct--it could be poor Green Harvest (if the program really does exist :-o) taking the rap for a valiant rescue attempt or those wonderful tour helicopters. The copters weren't flying close/low-to-the-ground in my neighborhood, so I have no idea what they were doing. And for the record, I've personally never seen a black helicopter (not that the color of the copter matters to me), nor little green men for that matter. But then, I don't run outside to look because I've got nothing to be paranoid about. Still, it doesn't mean I can't empathize with the poor folks who have to put up with the noise. I'm also giving some credence to what several folks on Big Island Chronicle ( are reporting, but again, can't confirm for sure. It might be safer to assume that Tiffany Hunt, Dave Smith, and others are deluded.

That said, ASSUMING there is such a thing as Green Harvest--and I might be wrong; it could be a figment of everyone's imagination--it would be, imho, a terrible waste of our tax dollars.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Since you asked - USMC Sniper, SO and assigned air-wing @ MCAS ElToro (fixed wing) and Tustin (helicopter).
Gloat… J.C. son, take another toke - I formulate and execute resolution.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
OK, so I'm not a grower and I'm not paranoid. My house is numbered and my street has a sign on it. However, I have seen the black helicopters flying low many times, and I will snap a photo next time one swings by. Tour 'copters (usually white or blue) fly over our home on an almost-daily basis - they fly high up and go on a predictable path diagonally across the sky. They sound like a plane flying overhead. The black copters fly low and circle in a small, defined areas over specific blocks or properties. They're loud enough to get our blind dog excited and barking. Perhaps Green Harvest is the scapegoat, but I don't think utilities, magazine photographers, movie site selectors etc. would have that much of a significant interest in specific Orchidland-area properties. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, most times, it's a duck...
I thought Green Harvest money was gone?
The circumstantial evidence does point to drug enforcement, but there is hysteria over helicopters that make every event a Green harvest event until proven otherwise. Remember the search for the missing women? What was the first reaction? Green harvest. Remember the search for the burglars? What was the first reaction? Green Harvest. This is no different than when the Mexican mafia hysteria occurred on the mainland, people were seeing Mexican cartel members in shootout in Puna. There were illegal Mexican cartel aliens swimming ashore on Puna beaches. Even when this was first reported, without any shred of evidence as to its purpose, they assumption was automatically Green Harvest. Heck the shift in the lava flow is blamed on Green Harvest. The increase in property taxes is blamed on Green Harvest. The floods in Pakistan are because of Green Harvest. The Gulf oil spill is part of Green Harvest. I'm surprised the downturn in tourist and the housing collapse wasn't blamed on Green Harvest, Oh wait; those were blamed on the Mexican drug cartels last year.

My point is; you dilute the impact of Green Harvest on people’s peace and quite when everything is blamed on it. How can everyone take it seriously when they know half of it is false?
Originally posted by Kapohocat

I thought Green Harvest money was gone?
The County can't use money for helicopter flights but it has NO impact on the State or the feds. So long as the County Police are not paying for those helicopters, they are following exactly what the people wanted in the Lowest Law Enforcement initiative. So long as the County is not going after those who meet the Lowest Law Enforcement initiative definition of personal use, they are following exactly what the initiative stated. The initiative does not curtail criminal drug activity, it curtails personal use enforcement. And it has NO bearing on public lands. The County can do everything they usually do if it involves State or County property.
For what it is worth, I stopped off at the Aquarium Store on Kea'a after work on the same day everyone started complaining about the helicopters. As I drove by the firetruck/ambulance graveyard behind the airport I saw the helicopter that has been described in the recent helicopter posts with several men in paramilitary clothing standing around it looking at what looked like maps. I would guess they are the crew who have been making everyone's days so peaceful lately.

It seems like anytime people bring up helicopters the reactions fall into 2 camps: those who say it can't possibly be Green Harvest and must be line checking, or search and rescue, or lava tours, and those who say all helicopters must be the feds. We have lived all over Puna and I have seen activity by helicopters that is clearly tour copters, line checking or search and rescue. These copters all fly in patterns that clearly support interpreting their actions as being one of those activities.

I have also seen ones who were flying in ways that could have no explanation other than "Green Harvest". There is really no other reasonable explanation for having 3 different helicopters, none of which were our county search and rescue helicopter, flying tight circles over a residential neighborhood, far from any tourist attractions or the high voltage wires they do line checks on, for hours at a time until they move on to another neighborhood and do the same thing.

You don't have to be a pot grower to be annoyed or disturbed by this sort of activity. It is a minor nuisance for some, and a major problem for others. If I was a night worker who slept days, or a person dealing with health issues, the activity over our house that my husband observed yesterday would have been far beyond an inconvenience. I know what line checking, tourist helicopters, and search and rescue all look like, and I accept them as being part of our society's fabric. But the "Green Harvest" style helicopter activity is so intensely disruptive to so many that I really cannot see how any possible benefit could outweigh the costs carried by us all.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Very funny, Bob. I find your hyperbolic sarcasm entertaining as hell. And believe it or not, I totally agree with the point you made in your follow-up post. Just not sure what it has to do with the quote you chose to comment on: my stated belief that Green Harvest is an utter waste of our tax dollars.

Also have to point out that you lumping my comment in with the hysteria is clever but unfair: I never mentioned burglars, the Mexican mafia, lava flows, taxes, Pakistan flooding, tourism or oil spills. I try not to make groundless assumptions, but alas I'm human and occasionally fall into the assumption trap. (I'm also quick to acknowledge my mistakes when proven wrong...Are you?) Call me naive, but when eye-witness reports start revealing a distinct pattern, my tendency is to give credence to the allegations.

Suppose I should be skeptical of everything I hear until seeing it with my own eyes, but that's not very practical, is it? For example, I've never been to Afghanistan to confirm firsthand, but I have good reason to believe that there really is a war going on there. Some folks on this forum would argue that videos and pictures will prove any given allegation. Sure, pictures would help make the case. But even visual evidence has its flaws: it assumes that visual proof can't be tampered with; and it also assumes that no visual proof means it isn't true. See, I'm not the only one susceptible to the old assumption trap.

Again, my point is very simple: Green Harvest is a huge waste of our very limited resources (whether the copters are red, black, blue or green).

Any fiscally conservative folks out there want to take a stab at convincing me that this isn't a huge waste of our tax dollars?

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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