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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
It’s readily apparent to anyone with a background or general competence in the sciences that your understanding in the same is substandard at best. I don’t have the time to hold your hand and explain something to you that would require a great deal of my time to teach you along the way. It’s apparent that your understanding in present day terminology lacks a great deal and thus it’s impossible for me to communicate with you on this topic.
When you lack the basic comprehension of simple words and their uses, there becomes a large communication breakdown. Since you opt to pretend that words you don’t understand are fiction or nonsense in nature, it only serves to fly a big flag of child like behavior on your behalf and a person truly not worth communicating with on these topics.
Hyper –
Hyper- -
Spectral –
2. (Physics / General Physics) of or relating to a spectrum spectral colours
3. (Physics / General Physics) Physics (of a physical quantity) relating to a single wavelength of radiation spectral luminous efficiency

Spectrum –
In a basic nutshell.
Hyperspectrum would be nonsensical when citing an instrument sensing multiple bands of the spectrum, the correct tem is hyperspectral.
Hyperspectrum would be a citation that refers to an adverse/abnormal spectrum or external unknown range thereof or with possible multiple over lays of itself or a possible citation to the waves emitted by the universe as a whole.
A “spectrograph” is data collected by a spectrometer and typically processed into an image. Spectrometers come in differing types one of which is called a Mass Spectrometer and that is one you seem to have heard about.
A spectral analyzer collects and analyzes a small portion of the spectrum within a given range and though sound is within the spectrum, citing a spectral analyzer limits as an instrument that is only used within the sound spectrum would be purely ignorant statement.
Spectrum analyzer is a generic term for any instrument that analyzes a given range anywhere within the electromagnetic spectrum. Spectral Analyzer is a generic term that refers to any instrument that can pinpoint and analyze a select narrow band within the electromagnetic spectrum.
I’ve neither the time or desire to educate you further on these simple matters. It’s readily apparent that whatever your claimed background was, your competence in these subjects is larksome at best.
BTW… The Ms. Wao Nahele – Works in a field far above your experience with current DOD clearances and deals with these types of analyzers today and over the past 20 years. Neither of us has the time to prove to you people that the aforementioned technology exists and is in use today. Simply be advised of it’s presence and keep any negative comments to contrary to yourselves. This is not a debate and I don't have the time to hand hold through the technologies methodology.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
TomK is a professional scientist with decades of experience in this very field.
I don't know what you do. Farming?

It's possible Green Harvest is using this technology, if it exists and actually works, but you're just guessing.
Paul W,

Then how do you explain Tom K stating that spectral analysis only involves sound waves? The hyperspectral imaging uses light waves, and I posted a link to a way it is being used to find certain plants. It appears to me that the technology does exist and is being used. The question is whether or not it is being used to locate marijuana. I don't know what you do, either.

Lead by example
Paul, the "Pot-Buster" system was able to detect cannabis. It was very accurate at detecting cannabis. The reason it was shelved was that in real world testing, it always detected cannabis but it also identified other vegetation as cannabis. Some of these items like mulberry bushes, basil, chick weed, and even some ivy plants, were indistinguishable from cannabis. Unlike weed control or surveys for density, the purpose of cannabis detection is law enforcement. It was highly unlikely that a Judge would ever issue a search warrant base on the person may have marijuana or maybe a mulberry bush, some english ivy, ferns, a herb garden or just plain old weedy lawn. There was also the cost factor, how much time and effort will be spend chasing phantom pot plants that do not exist. Overall, there are much better technologies.
Wao - You need to get off your computer and outside. Constantly staring at the monitor is making you an asshole.
jeeez really need to lighten up Francis
Originally posted by DaVinci

And Bob, I think you missed the point KeaauRich was trying to make: if the police cause more of a ruckus enforcing a law than the "criminal" caused by violating the law, how is society on our little island served?
I know what you’re saying, and I don't necessarily disagree with that. But, realistically, the law is going to get enforced until such time as it's abolished or its criminal degree is reduced. What makes this a major problem for everyone (law enforcement, politicians, people, community, etc) is the degree of criminal activity related to cannabis runs the whole gambit. Is this Joe with 2 plants for personal use, or is it Fred planting several plants on public land using the money to fund meth operations? The degree of the initiating law enforcement activity is unknown, only the degree of the enforcement.

Kane freely admits to being an asshole,and thanks you for the compliment. Please don't provide him with any additional encouragement. I live with the guy.

Lead by example

Thanks for the additional info on the "Pot-Buster" system. Where did you find the info? Didn't have any luck finding additional info on it this morning. I'm curious as to whether or not various filters could be applied to the system to refine its capabilities from all of the false positives.

Lead by example
LOL Wahine - I thought you were the same person with a gender identity disorder. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

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