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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
LOL Mauka...Nope different person and gender. Like the Seinfeld reference.

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Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine

Thanks for the additional info on the "Pot-Buster" system. Where did you find the info? Didn't have any luck finding additional info on it this morning. I'm curious as to whether or not various filters could be applied to the system to refine its capabilities from all of the false positives.
A number of years ago, a NA Community had problems with trespassers planting marijuana on reservation land. Since visual identification was the way they located them, thousands of acres could be searched and only a few plants found out of thousands. An alternative was being explored. They heard of this system and the police did some checking. When reporting back on all available alternatives using technology, this system wasn't available any longer. Even if available, they couldn’t use it. It would be like starting a drug investigation based on smoke. 100% of the time, cannabis smoking would be detected, but so would cigarette smoking, incense burning, and that burnt roast. Because too may other legitimate plants could falsely be identified as cannabis, it just wasn’t going to work for law enforcement purposes. This is only about the system referenced in the original links. There is a possibility that some other technology has come along making identification much more accurate.
here is a video of a one flying straight west at a low altitude after having circled around in the lower part of the subdivision.

This is not from the most recent bout of circling they did, which was very intimidating.

I find it amusing that bob ortz comments on this from the mainland somewhere. dude until you see them circling over your house and neighbors so low and you can see whats going on inside the chopper and you dont even want to go out and take a picture because, hey even though you and i might not be breaking the law that these people are looking to prosecute, they can still pay a special visit to us. i dont want any confrontations with these people, it is just very intimidating and frightening to certain age groups.
let me just ask this question as i think it is VERY relevant:

Should a service or product be provided at the barrel of a gun?
808, I’ve seen it, and I’ve been under it once or twice. I fully, 100% understand the negative impact. I’m sure every person not involved or who's been negatively impacted wants it to end. You can not tell law enforcement to not enforce criminal laws when the target is criminals. One potential avenue is what was being discussed; the disruptive nature of the enforcement is so severe that it outweighs the criminal acts. It would be inconceivable for the Police to launch a midnight door to door search for someone wanted for littering. So what can be done? That’s really what needs to be discussed. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about this subject and even worst; a County law now exists forcing the police to step up drug enforcement.
My understanding of Bob's position (correct me if I'm wrong here) is that up until now, passing a "low-priority ordinance" and crying wolf every time there's a copter in the sky has been, and will continue to be, counterproductive to the cause. The approach to date has been fueled by emotion, not sound strategies.

Bob and I don't always see eye to eye, and I believe his (sometimes) harsh approach pushes some folks buttons to the point that they don't want to listen to him. That said, I respect Bob's knowledge and the way he thinks through issues. What I believe he brings to the table is a combination of expertise in the law and the kind of strategic thinking needed to get the desired result (=keeping the peace-shattering copters away from innocent folks).

It's worth mentioning that the peaceful skies initiative had a strong presence years ago on this forum. I'll go on record here and say that although I agree with their objectives, I believe their strategies were flawed and naive. Well, Bob, with his charming, hyperbolic, sarcastic on-line persona, offered lots of great advice that fell on deaf ears. No one wanted to hear what he was saying but they should have listened; he was trying to help them think like the opposition so they could formulate a more effective approach to realizing their objectives. Now the law of unintended consequences is kicking in and the copters have come back with a vengeance. So I can only guess that Bob is gloating a bit, a natural human reaction when folks don't listen to sound advice.

That said, why haven't any Green Harvest supporters addressed the legality of our government presuming we're all guilty?

Are we not allowed to have a reasonable amount of privacy? (The answer is obviously no, but IN PRINCIPLE, shouldn't we?)

Why haven't any pro-Green Harvest folks addressed the issue of spending all this money while the state and country go broke? Do they really believe that the impossible task of eradicating a weed is more important than the huge problems our country and communities face? Certain right-leaning fiscal conservatives would have us believe that nationalized healthcare is a waste of money but not helicopters terrorizing innocent people. For what? A friggin' weed. Sorry folks, those are really screwy priorities no matter how you lean politically. (Disclosure: I'm FISCALLY conservative.)

These issues, in my mind, are much more important than whether or not a copter can sniff out pot plants. Seems to me the hardcore haters of pot are so blinded by their convictions that they avoid discussing--I don't mean yelling or making snarky comments toward those who don't agree with you--but really discussing the issues as mature adults. Based on this thread alone, I'm not confident we'll ever have this discussion.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Originally posted by Bob Orts

A number of years ago, a NA Community had problems with trespassers planting marijuana on reservation land...


Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I would like to see a link to your source on this information. Also, what in the heck is an NA Community?

In one of my previous posts I posted a link which discussed this technology (hyperspectral imaging)being currently used. I don't recall any discussion in this thread related to smoke detection.

Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
Bob, PaulK, TomK,
If you actually take the time to read the aforementioned link on hyperspectral imaging and stop making unfounded claims contrary to its existance, you might learn something new today-
Not only does the technology exist from a historical aspect there has been signifigant price reductions in particular models and two companies in the above link are listed as sources for purchase.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
I believe NA stands for Native American since the post talks about "reservation land"
Did you actually read that article? Do you really think that is the sort of system they're using in Puna to detect marijuana?

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