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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
Ok Ladies...
I've solved this issue - the former Wao nahele kane has become Ha'aheo 'okole puka; this loosly translates to (Arrogant asshole). Now Kathy will never be confused again to whom she converses when it comes to me.
Originally posted by Haaheo okole puka

Ok Ladies...
I've solved this issue - the former Wao nahele kane has become Ha'aheo 'okole puka; this loosly translates to (Arrogant asshole). Now Kathy will never be confused again to whom she converses when it comes to me.

Originally posted by Mauka

Wao - You need to get off your computer and outside. Constantly staring at the monitor is making you an asshole.

Mauka, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hold you partially responsible for inspiring him with the new name...



Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
If you were in front of me right now, I'd give you a giant Aloha hug!
In this case only, please disregard my new line signature.

If I wanted your opinion, I'd frame it for you!
Originally posted by KathyH

Would it help if I put in a signature line?
No, sig lines annoy me (even the great sayings get old after so many times), so I make it a point not to read them.
I was suggesting that you pick your own name and be yourself. People here have changed their nics. Carrie comes to mind as someone who changed her nic even after having many posts on the forum.
It actually took me awhile to figure out what people were talking about with reference to two people. I thought maybe you were posting using Kane's ID. I even went back and reread the posts looking for some differentiation. It never occurred to me that more than one person would have a nic starting with Wao nahele. [Smile]

Once again, it all revolves around KathyH. Surprise.
Let us all change to please her.
You don't get me, mdd, not at all. You don't hear the tone properly when you read my posts. You make them heavy and demanding when they aren't written that way.
The topic was confusing, but I didn't suggest a change because I can't handle it, rather as friendly feedback that the names are too similar and not everyone will notice who is posting.

It does not all revolve around me. When I see a train wreck, which this topic was, I will point it out and offer solutions, and they can take it from there as they wish. My opinion of the solution chosen, lol, no comment.
Once again, it all revolves around KathyH. Surprise.
Let us all change to please her.
Look, I get that you don't like me, but there's no need for this sort of remark. I could pull off the gloves and analyze you in the same way, but you wouldn't like it, I promise. [}Smile]
There's a thing called being civil. You should try it. [Smile]
Originally posted by Greg

To head off any misunderstanding about identity or gender, my wife and I go by; "Spousal Unit, Male" and "Spousal Unit, Female".

[Big Grin]Greg[Big Grin],

One time SB actually wanted to post something (I think it was a helicopter thread). Since it is PAINFUL to watch him type, I typed he dictated one long post on full low pitch. I forgot to log him off.... [:p]... I had a couple of posts that made no sense as him! [Big Grin]
I hug you back, Puka.
mdd: be nice. This thread was a train wreck, and I for one could not look away. Great fun... and Tom, offer again and I am sooo first in line. Seriously.
Haha damn 10 pages of PURE BS. But most of it was funny and in good spirits.

I think the next time I see OP, I'll be passing him the bong. Some good green sticky bud! Tooke ... toke it up man...

This guy is so strung out he needs to really feel like what it's like in puna... Since I don't think he's ever even been there.

The OP is really off his rocker... Relax and chill out ... Puna butter has been around before you were even born so go with the flow!

This has certainly been entertaining for me as well!
Puna: Our roosters crow first

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