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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
I thought it would not end well.I was wrong:
Puka hugged Mauka.Mauka hugged Puka.
Happily ever after.Peace!
Personally I'm worried it's a sign of the apocalypse. Pretty sure I read this in the Good Book somewhere: "When the Mountain Dweller and Hole of the Ass embrace, fire will rain down upon us..."

Cut me some slack folks, still on my first cup of coffee :-)

Maybe there is hope for us after all. Peace.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
DaVinci - check your email.

Mauka loves humanity in his old age. Always ready for a hug of reconciliation. There are few things more endearing than an asshole who is happy to admit to being same.
However, the older "A" should have learned this stuff by now Mauka. Just 'cause one admits to being an "A" does not absolve one of inconsiderate actions and statements.

What inconsiderate actions are you referring to?



Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
Preface statement:

Punawebbers ... Have fun reading the following as you would checking out the tabloids in the supermarket lines ... +++ Rob is gonna take this off real quick. LOL. Did you see Angelinas face ???

O.K. You wanna go there Wahine ?

I would start with why do you have to ask ????

Kane the A - hole cannot speak for himself ???

Then i would say why do you have to ask once again .... As in the spouse is always the last to know kine.

Any sane, level headed , golden rule person would peg your loving man as a close minded, narcissistic dick when it comes to reading the previous 10 pages.

Apologies for use level logistics of the word "actions" as I could have solely used "statements" to fulfill the intended ideals.

I WOULD put up the "actions" word now as him dredging you into all this. Lame and cowardly as if he needs some kine back up.

edit to add "solely"

You're not worth my time in conversing with. Your posts - be they in this thread or any other, are void of any intellectual content and typically only filled with half whit attempted insults. You’re the classic definition of a “dumb” troll.
If this was face to face and not in the cyber world your mouth would be kept shut. It must be nice to have a place to come flame your disjointed mentality around, probably the only thing keeping you from the loony bin.
So be advised, I ignore you because I don’t find anything mentally stimulating in your Tourette afflicted posting habits.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.

He hasn't dredged me into anything here. If you don't know all of the facts in regards to Kane's actions, feel free to ask. If you've truly read through all of these posts in this thread, you would realize I haven't defended the way Kane has talked to people.

I was asking you to clarify your use of the phrase 'inconsiderate actions' in regards to Kane. I'm asking because I want to know what actions of Kane's you consider inconsiderate.

Answering my question with a question isn't answering.

One more thing, Pog, please see one of your earlier posts from this thread in italics below. That italicized post could also apply to your response to me. I questioned you about part of your post, you couldn't back it up, and proceeded to talk down to me.

You put up (arguably) an inflamitory post, people call you out on it and now you will not back up your references.

Instead you chose to revert to talking down to people instead of supporting your statements with actual fact.

Know this .. You reap what you sow




Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
"So be advised, I ignore you because I don’t find anything mentally stimulating in your Tourette afflicted posting habits."

LMAO .. Thanks for "ignoring" me ... LOL.

Edit to add ,, Wahine;

Already inserted a "Apologies for use level logistics of the word "actions" as I could have solely used "statements" to fulfill the intended ideals. If you do not understand this part please re-read.

Gotta go ... If you need more info about your husband please let me know

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