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Geez, people, the sirens and big red flashing spinning lights mean pull the heck over and stay there until the emergency vehicle passes.
It does not mean sorta pull over and dont stop, and try to pull back on road in front of every one else. I saw someone do this Thursday and just miss the Emergency vehicle heading towards Pahoa on Hwy 130. They pulled back out when the Emer vehicle was parallel to them and was next to them accelerating just a foot or so apart.
Did they not realize this vehicle was on its way to save someone's life????
And the other night my hubby was in a Emergency vehicle (yes as a patient), and I was doing the speed limit as was the Emer vehicle. They had to slow down for 4-5 cars on Hwy 130 who did not pull off. My baby brother told me that in his area at least in 1 out of 6 calls the emergency vehicles are hit by a car, and that is lower than the national average. One out of six. Dont know what COH stat is.
Let me say it again - PULL OFF THE ROAD AND STOP - WAIT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE TO PASS YOU COMPLETELY. DO NOT ACCELERATE TO PASS THE CARS IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU PULLED OFF. Yes, I know I am yelling but twice in one week, I think you can understand why I am "yelling".
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I think it's probably due to the fact that here pulling over for EV is every other day, while on mainland, it happens once a year. From any given direction, there's just one highway going to the hospital. People start to get numb to it and seek to gain back their lost time. The gravity of the situation lessens the more people experience it. There needs to be more public awareness -- as you have done here.
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Kapohocat - yes!! My brother is a volunteer firefighter, he is amazed how many people don't pull over for the flashing blue lights, it could be one of your family members or a loved one! I'm with you - PULL OVER AND STOP - for crying out loud!
And that is my shouting message for the week! Aloha - Dot
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I wholeheartedly agree with you, but I have a question about emergency vehicles with flashing lights and no sirens. Maybe I'm stupid, but I have never seen that before moving here. In the past week I have seen 3 emergency vehicles with flashing lights and NO siren. I always pull over for emergency vehicles. Once I hear the sirens, I immediately start looking to see where its coming from so I can pull over. When there is no siren, I don't see them until they are right on me and then I feel like a jerk because I didn't know to pull over earlier. Anyone know the reason for flashing lights, but no siren?
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I experienced the same thing last week....pulled over and was almost hit by the girl driving the car behind me who decided to pass me.
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Not pulling over for emergency vehicles is merely the tip of the iceberg. I and probably you as well have noticed a serious level of incompetence and disregard for all traffic laws while behind the wheel on this Island. From using turn signals to merging onto the highway at 20 mph in a 55 zone! This is a problem but only part of a much bigger one, I do not know of a solution, but I think a start would be raising fines for minor infractions and making enforcement mandatory for police officers. You would think all the memorials people place along the sides of highways and roads (little wreaths/flowers for friends/family who died in traffic accidents) would raise awareness - I have seen those memorials along highways all over the USA but never with the frequency I see on this island.
Drive safe people!
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Originally posted by pog
Head phones.
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I believe Pog was insinuating people who drive wearing headphones can't hear the sirens, but perhaps he/she is unaware that it is illegal to drive wearing headphones! Maybe not and that's what he/she was pointing out. Either way drive safe and don't drive wearing headphones!
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It's not a violation that's often enforced. The fire and ambulance can't enforce it themselves. They would need to be followed by a cop. Cops see it all of the time when they are the emergency vehicle but can't enforce it because they are busy responding to an emergency. It's a little bit of heaven when a cop has difficulty getting by a non-compliant motorist and just after getting by the call gets cancelled, freeing him/her up for a little self initiated activity. But a rare occurrence.
If the FD/EMS considered it an issue they could request that the PD assign a detail periodically just for enforcement of that issue. If they requested enforcement I'm sure they would some.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.