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Satellite Internet is only fast if you pay for the better packages.The entry level is barely faster than dialup in most cases and they have a fair access policy that limits how much you can download.
$159.00 per month with Hughesnet will get you 3 MB downloads with about 1.5 MB during busy times.
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I really like my new Verizon wireless compared to the Hawaiian Telcom dialup I was stuck with for years. I do have a problem with the 5gig limit however. How do I determine if Sprint unlimited is available where I live(Kalapana).
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KathyH has some really good advice. How about moving over and renting for six months to a year? It will give the house prices time to fall a bit further and you'll be able to check out the area you want to live in much better. Six months will be enough time to check out the housing areas, find a house, see if there's any employment available (should you need that)and see if you want to live on an island before you plunk down a huge chunk of cash to own a house.
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Kurt Wilson
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
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If having really good internet service is a high priority for business or pleasure make sure you put that on top of your shopping list. For example my rental host in lower Puna area has really crappy dial up service and can't even open a simple picture attachment of any reasonalble size.
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Originally posted by macuu222
Speaking of tents...there seems to be alot of them popping up lately where I live in HPP. I just hope this trend doesn't continue....
I guess you should have moved to a subdivision that has ccr's eh?
Edit - to stay on topic a bit...
rbakker are you talking about the WiMAX rummer?
You could also check out coconut wireless AKA microwave. That was the only option besides satellite. Since in Orchid-land cell is pretty crappy still in some places. It was funny I even looked up my address for DSL and hawiian tel said it was available. Haha, Right! No one on the street had it. So... Take that with a grain of salt. Your best bet is MCI they do give you 5 gigs and if you go over you don't get charged extra they just throttle you back. Even if you get a crappy cell signal you can buy a repeater for a few hundred bucks.
Until WiMax comes to the island you all just have to be patient.
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The Hawaiian Tel website said we had DSL 5 years ago! Still none.
No, never heard of WiMax. But some people will have to be more patient than others.
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Well, WiMax is a point-to-multipoint technology that does many good thing including alleviating many of the disadvantages of a system where all the subscribers can't hear each other (WiFi). It can be implemented in both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. In the US it's being implemented by Sprint and Clearwire in many markets, as well as being successful overseas. The big boys in the US (AT&T, VZ) seemed to have settled on a slightly different technology called LTE (Long term Evolution) for their 4G US roll-outs this/next year. My experience is that while it seems expensive ($50-60), VZ's 3G works great in most places and can be very competitive with hotels that charge $10 or so per day for WiFi.
Just bought a house roughly in the middle of Leilani Estates and the previous owner had OceanicTWC Triple Play. That seems fairly advanced - the downstream is advertised a 5 mb - easy for mere DOCSIS 2.0.
Was surprised that there is no VZ 2G CDMA handset service there. Did I read something in Punaweb about another tower or monopole going up to correct that?
Finally, has anyone heard of an outfit called Aloha Broadband?
Rick Melzig
Rick Melzig
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Originally posted by macuu222
Speaking of tents...there seems to be alot of them popping up lately where I live in HPP. I just hope this trend doesn't continue....
Hey if my house doesn't sell soon, I'll be in a tent, just to be out of here! Peggy
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cable internet is run along the first few miles of Plumeria in acres.
Time warner ran it the road and...... up the long .. long (0ver 500 ft.)driveway for free!
After being off grid for 20 - I had to move to Puna for electricity and internet - grin
Rocket ship fast cable btw - Works just fine editing websites for the company, watching video & streaming wolfgangs concerts - all at the same time............
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Read this in Yahoo news that Virgin does a Mifi on Sprint network. The outstanding info, is if available on BI, is, it doesn't require a contract, and has unlimited use, and is really cheaper. I looked at the Sprint coverage map, and it is really spotty, but if you are in the zone, looks worth checking out. You can also buy just a small amount of days for vacation, for instance. Anyone have experience with Virgin? Is it even available locally?
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