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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
Kathy H,
I forgive you, you know, you having ADD and all that.
What's your current prescription these days?
Concerta... psychosis (abnormal thinking or hallucinations)... ouch!
It all sounds like some really nasty stuff, I truly pity your condition.

Aloha sweetyWink

BTW... Living in Waa Waa is not just about being laid back as that’s more an occasional welcomed luxury; it’s mostly about having the strength and determination to establish a life without the common conveniences readily provided in other areas. We’ve no public electricity, water, cable or land line phones all smack dab 2 miles on a dirt road into some of the densest jungle/forest on the island. It takes people with backbone and grit to live out here - all the while combating this jungle. If you find me to be too trigger happy to be in Waa Waa… then you’ve not met any of the REAL old timers out here who would chew you a new backside with such an outlandish observation about Waa Waa and what it takes to fit in out here. We just listened to one of our neighbors who was raised here rip another neighbor a new backside through mega profanity about driving too fast down our road. Your “tour” was a misguided one, fully omitting the fact that you have to be a pioneer to make it here (hardass). We more than fit in and that’s why we live here.
If it merely took being laid back to fit in out here in Waa Waa… LOL… we’d be another Cinderland (that low rent cinder campground). What a bunch of stoner BS, you’ve been thoroughly misguided about Waa Waa. That laidback atmosphere is because we’ve established something difficult to achieve and are typically too physically worn out to play patty cake games. That’s why I haven’t been on PunaWeb for the last 6 mo., been too damn busy for the “high school clique” mentality on here, (Note: no persons are specifically mentioned here by name, so unless the shoe fits, don’t wear it).

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
AHHAHAHAA Wao nahele kane!

"Jungle Man!" "Just Do It!" You are a bad Hawaiian Nike commercial!

Maybe KathyH has some side effects from pills but your delusion is all your own. And how brave it is to hide behind the bravery of someone's admission of "imperfectness"! What strength you have! But there is no imperfect, only images of perfection. And you are deluded to think that perfect is something that exists.

Building a place in Waa Waa was SOOOOO difficult! You are quick with your self praise on your "strength and determination". Your strength is the strength of a backhoe you RENT, with the money you STOLE from people under the guise of capitalism, and your determination is fueled by your desire to have a nice pool and privacy.

And who is the psychotic one? You are the one driving 4x4 for PLEASURE! You are the one calling yourself "Jungle Man" but needs an air conditioner, a wicking shirt, and a steel gate! You are a psychotic individualist and do not have the strength and determination to undertake the most difficult task; sacrifice. You want all the accouterments of society but do not want society.

Your ability to live in Hawaii is the product of Capitalistic Imperialism and you are the best example of one of its' greatest tools; the man who is on the front lines sacrificing himself for people who do not want to sacrifice themselves. They give you a cute name to latch on to like "pioneer" and you freely accept the moniker because it gives you a strength you do not have of your own. You, the builder of houses, who stood hand in hand with the corrupt banks and built the houses that people could not afford. And now that you have siphoned off your share of illicit gains, you retreat to be away from the maddening crowds which you helped make mad. You are a lackey at best.

But after your mimic of the capitalist for your self interest and it made you feel uneasy, you move on to mimic the "locals" for your own self interest. You have no originality. You have no strength.

The criminal mind pipes up -

Originally posted by CFB483

AHHAHAHAA Wao nahele kane!

"Jungle Man!" "Just Do It!" You are a bad Hawaiian Nike commercial!

Maybe KathyH has some side effects from pills but your delusion is all your own. And how brave it is to hide behind the bravery of someone's admission of "imperfectness"! What strength you have! But there is no imperfect, only images of perfection. And you are deluded to think that perfect is something that exists.

Building a place in Waa Waa was SOOOOO difficult! You are quick with your self praise on your "strength and determination". Your strength is the strength of a backhoe you RENT, with the money you STOLE from people under the guise of capitalism, and your determination is fueled by your desire to have a nice pool and privacy.

And who is the psychotic one? You are the one driving 4x4 for PLEASURE! You are the one calling yourself "Jungle Man" but needs an air conditioner, a wicking shirt, and a steel gate! You are a psychotic individualist and do not have the strength and determination to undertake the most difficult task; sacrifice. You want all the accouterments of society but do not want society.

Your ability to live in Hawaii is the product of Capitalistic Imperialism and you are the best example of one of its' greatest tools; the man who is on the front lines sacrificing himself for people who do not want to sacrifice themselves. They give you a cute name to latch on to like "pioneer" and you freely accept the moniker because it gives you a strength you do not have of your own. You, the builder of houses, who stood hand in hand with the corrupt banks and built the houses that people could not afford. And now that you have siphoned off your share of illicit gains, you retreat to be away from the maddening crowds which you helped make mad. You are a lackey at best.

But after your mimic of the capitalist for your self interest and it made you feel uneasy, you move on to mimic the "locals" for your own self interest. You have no originality. You have no strength.

LOL, you've been smoking far too much off the Socialist and Earth Ship pipe. You wouldn't know hard work if it bit you square in the ass and need to stop using such nonsense arguments as a crutch to defend your evident lack of being a productive citizen. Lazy boy, go back to North Carolina and under that rock you recently slithered out from under. We don't need anymore degenerates like you out here and on your way back home... swim, don't fly. BTW... I don't rent my backhoe, I own it.
Yakking about committing sabotage and destroying private property and business is one step from being in prison, that’s assuming you’ve not already committed such crimes. We don’t want to pay for your prison term on the Hawaii tax dollar… so again, take your degenerate criminal mentality back to North Carolina.


E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
If you pull up this link to another thread, CFB483's true colors will become apparent.

Anyone who edits out their entire posts and is suggesting violence or sabotage has some issues. In reading through that thread, I fully agree with Paul W and Kapohocat.



Lead by example
I think it was Betty's muffins won her that award.
Damn the torpedos and full speed ahead.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
HA! There you go! "Productive Citizen"! Another label that makes him feel important, better! "Look at me! I am important! I am a good slave to Imperialism!" What a frail sense of self you have! Hard work? What hard work? You use a back hoe! You use money to do your work! You want hard work? Try being the "Jungle Man" you call yourself. Because muscle work is easy, any ape can do that. But you are a psychological wimp, having never used that particular muscle in your life. Instead you let culture carry you like the mental invalid you are.

Yes, I am a socialist, a libertarian socialist. I do not feign from your re-appropriation of labels.

And oh yes, you own your back hoe, bought from the money you stole from all of those people who are now suffering from your part in the housing scam. My apologies.

Have in nice dip in your in ground pool and then retreat to your air conditioned room to escape the uniqueness of the place you live. Funny, you think I should leave, when you are not even here while you are here. You might as well be living in a McMansion in the Seattle suburbs.

All this coming from someone who started picking on a person with a disability. That is weak.

And who cares who you agree with your lady? It just means there are other idiots.

Don't worry, I am leaving. This place is only good if you do drugs, are deluded, or hide behind a fence. None of which are pleasing to me.

HAHAHAH "Just Do IT!" hahahahaha!

RE: Sabotage and Prison; They said the same thing to the people who wrote in favor of the Abolitionists and the Suffragettes. Unlike you, I do not fear the State. But you have a deep fear of the State which is why you bend to its' whim.
You expressed - "Don't worry, I am leaving. This place is only good if you do drugs, are deluded, or hide behind a fence. None of which are pleasing to me."
All of which fit your description to a "T" in one form or another.
Don't let the doors of the Mid Pacific smack you square in the ass on the way out. Hopefully during your long swim back, the ocean currents will land you in China or some other Socialist nation instead. One can only hope.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
CFB483 -

Already throwing in the towel after being here maybe two months? Who has no strength or stamina? Our little North Carolina import, that's who.

You are the idiot for promoting sabotage and violence.

BTW, this place, Puna, is good because of the people and the land. We might butt heads at times on certain issues, but we do find common ground on other issues. From what I've read on Punaweb, most of us moved here because we fell in love with this area. You're the first I've come across who came with the supposed intent of sabotage or disruption.



Lead by example
It's common for threads to evolve here. Maybe it would be helpful for the thread originator to edit the topic to something more descriptive of its new focus;

I suggest;

"adolescent bickering", "self esteem repair", or possibly "Am not".

[Big Grin]

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