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Neighbors dogs got loose
My neighbors German Shepard dogs got loose this morning and riped apart my other neighbors chicken coop and killed and ate all their chickens in HPP. I saw it happen and took photo's on my digital camera. I tried to scare the dogs away...but when I went back there they barked at me and started to charge me so I backed off. My question is: What recourse does the owner of the chicken coop have when he has my other neighbors dogs caught on tape killing their chickens?
He has no recourse.

Dogs are given free rein in Hawaii.

The neighbor obviously needs a stronger fence !!
I just went through this with the humane society. Basically the neighbors dogs killed my chicken and tried to get to my others. They had us take pictures of the bird as it was dieing in our arms, we asked them what recourse we had, they said they could do a warning, or cite them and we could get restitution for the bird. The next time the dogs would be impounded. Cripes I don't want money, just some peace from this as it has been ongoing for over a year that we have been talking nice with the neighbor, knowing inevitably this would happen.

I asked about shooting the dogs, but hey, your not supposed to do that here.

We have a fence that the dogs keep digging under to get in. Thankfully we were home this time when it happened and were able to scare the dogs off before they killed more. Next time I will take a bat to them, then call the humane society to come pick them up.

At least report it, so it is documented, that is the first step.
It is destruction of property. The Humane Society seems toothless here. They could go to small claims' court and get restitution for the coop and the chickens.

They or you can borrow traps from the Humane Society for the dogs. If the dogs enter a trap off their own property, the trapper has a right to take them to the HS. Then the owner has to go redeem them.
Kathy is right, go to Small Claims Court.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

This is ugly and it has happened recently to a friend of mine. Sorry.

I know, I know -it seems like dog owners should be more responsible and accountable, but sadly it's often just the dog that pays, and then there's always another dog out there.

Here's my constructive advice: know that everything with canine teeth sees your feathery friends as juicy, piping hot chicken mcnuggets which they will stop at nothing to munch. Now build a coop accordingly. It takes more time and money but if you've ever seen the feathery bloodbath after a visit from the local dog pack, you'll agree its well worth it if you like your chickens.

A determined dog can actually bite through chicken wire surprisingly fast so I think its best to use sturdy hog wire around your pen. Dogs and mongooses can dig down even in cinder, so nail your wire to logs or heavy planks and bury it all at least 6" or more below the surface. You can pour concrete too, if you have it around, but its more $$. Now be sure nothing can climb into the yard/pen. To be really safe, enclose the top of the yard with chicken or hog wire.

I made a tight wooden coop with a "chicken door" where the hens go up a ladder to roost at night. Its enclosed by a fenced yard with a chicken wire roof. So far it has weathered the poor dogs the neighbors don't feed enough pretty well.
I spend my summers in Carroll County,Ohio.
We have a county dog warden and if this happened there it would just take a quick call and it would be resolved.
If the dogs had evidence on them(blood-feathers)they would be euthanized on the spot !
If there was no evidence, they would be taken to the animal shelter and it would go to court.It is against the law in that county to allow your animal to escape .
It is also illegal to own a pit bull or any dog that the dog warden deems to look like a pit bull without keeping it chained in an enclosed concrete floored kennel!!!
Alot has to do with the relationship between the neighbors, however,they should file a complaint right away with animal control. Get it documented and have the authorities put the owners on notice. In California, it would be permissable for the chicken owner to shoot the dogs to stop the attack. Better to stop it now. Perhaps the dog owners will do more to keep their dogs contained.
Thanks everyone. They filed a complaint and a Humane Society officer went to the home and put the owners on notice. They also are going to small claims court to get compensation. I don't believe the dogs were starving. But they are used for home protection and have free rein of the fenced property. I think they were just bred to be very aggressive. They accidentally got out (owners fault as he got home late and forgot to close the gate) and the chicken coop was two houses down and I guess dogs will be dogs.
were i'm from in wyoming, its a free range state, basically if you don't want it on your property you need to fence it out. but that only pertains to live stock cows, sheep, horse etc. not dogs if they are caught chasing or killing they are shot.

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