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Hi all you Punatalk members,
We have been delighted with all the information we have received since moving here. We have been renting in HPP for the last 3 months and taking our time to research a place to buy.
Those of you who reside in Leilani Estates:
1. what are the pros and cons of living in Leilani?
So far it seems the cons are the commute to Hilo to get to stores and doctors and work / loans for mortgages / insurance...
The pros are the BEAUTIFUL lush area and affordable.
2. How hard was it to get a loan? (we have stellar credit.)
Is there a $ limit on how much a bank will loan in zone 1 ? Which lenders will loan in lava zone 1?
3. What about INSURANCE costs and carriers in lava zone 1?
How hard was it to get insurance ? How much will they insure for in lava zone 1 ? Which insurance companies insure in lava zone 1 ?
4. How difficult is it to re-sell a home in Leilani Estates / lava zone 1? Do the Lelani Estates homes keep their value ?
Thank you all for help and guidance in this decision about where to end up buying here.
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Deb, e-mail me privately and I will send you a couple of files about Leilani Estates. I have built numerous homes there and I still own a house there. I know the subdivision well. Without question it is the nicest subdivision in Puna. Plats 21, 22, 23 and 27 are the "preferred" area there because of the micro climate.
With the growth of Pahoa the distance to Hilo is no longer an issue unless you work there. The subdivision has good CC&R's, good HOA, nice Community Center and a Neighborhood Watch Program. HPIA and Lloyd's are the two carriers for insurance. The premium is $1,600 on my fairly new house, including hurricane insurance. Lenders do loan in LZ 1, you just need to find the broker who has access to those lenders. (Let me know if you need such an info.)
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I already sent you a reply e-mail, but in case others are curious about it, it's between Nohea Street and Hookupu Street bordered by Malama Road on the right hand side of the subdivision as you drive down on Leilani Blvd. There is much less rain in that area than the rest of the subdivision for some reason.
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I looked and passed. I liked the look of the place, architecture overall was good - the demographics were not mine seemed like a lot of older immigrants from somewhere else including the real estate ladies - grin
I like more of a local mix - most likely my preconception and bias having just arrived from 10 years in Lahaina at the time - way different demographics.
Like I said my issues.............
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quote: Originally posted by Bullwinkle - the demographics were not mine seemed like a lot of older immigrants from somewhere else including the real estate ladies - grin
Did you ever go to the Community Play Park on a weekend day or the Community Center on a potluck day? While you are correct about the immigrant retirees (mostly from Europe,) the subdivision is very "local" and lots of lots of local families live there.
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I Love Leilani Estates - if I am ever fortunate enough to be able to own a second (unmortgaged) home, it will likely be there. Why? see above re: Pele's playground.
In Hilo, or the HPP / Orchidland corridor, I feel like keeping a bottle of brandy handy to attempt an appeasement is appropriate - in Leilani I feel that you should just be ready to bow gracefully and walk away when Pele decides to continue expanding the island there.
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quote: Originally posted by hawaiideborah ...does anyone else know if KathyH is correct that the insurance cap on Leilani/zone 1 is at $250,000, or has it increased since she was looking?
I believe it's $350,000 now. (Sorry, I'm too lazy to dig out my policy!)[  ][  ][  ]
Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
I heard it went up. That was 2003, and the choices were the state funded with the value cap or Lloyd's of London for more coverage at high premiums.
That changed. It could also change back.
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I've lived in Leilani since 1999 and haven't had any problem with Geo. There was an accident there in 1991, a steam blowout that caused the evacuation of about 75 people.
I'm not on my computer so can just provide a link
Google Puna Geothermal illness Leilani
Definitely not certainty or black and white, and concerns seem to have died down in this decade. It changed operators.