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BB guns I'm OK with. Disparaging liberals, Africans, Mexicans and Central Americans, even in jest, not so much...
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BB guns can be used to learn essential firearm skills -- foremost, safety (treat every gun as a loaded gun; never point agun at anything you do not intend to shoot; never shoot anything unless you are sure what it is), as well as target practice (aim, breath, squeeze), and proper care of the firearm and ammunition (cleaning, storing, etc).
Standard concentric circle targets are recommended. The shooter can keep them and progress in marksmanship can be seen.
Some people object to any kind of firearm.
That is their privelege. (btw: as a learned person I have some disagreement with the interpretation of words given by NRA to the 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution).
My first gun was a single-barrel, 16-gauge shotgun I bought for myself at age 16, to hunt rabbit, squirrel, and quail.
Before that I used my father's and brother's guns.
James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
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I missed out and didn't get a bb gun. My first was a single shot bolt action .22 rifle, and then a 16 gage pump. Many a rabbit fell to that .22 and quite a few ducks fell to the 16 gage. I started my boys off with a .22 Chipmunk which is a small childs size .22 single shot bolt action rifle with a peep sight.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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@TheLack: nice data mining operation, ROFL
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my first and only BB gun came from the dump when I was about 7 or 8. Had a broken stock and didn't have any power when it was pumped. I fixed the stock (a wooden one)and ran some oil in the pressure chamber and GEE!! it worked! Wasn't long until a 22 single shot came along and got a K38 Master Piece SW for Christmas when I was 16. Love guns... just too much maintenance to have them anymore.
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I had one as a kid, a rifle. I also had toy guns ones that I used to play "war" with. Then I grew up. Never bought a real gun because I know it's more likely to be used against me or someone I know rather than any home invader.
Does this have anything to do with Hawaii or does Lack just like talking about guns?
Good luck with your rat hunt (other thread) but I hope you know that firing even a .22 in a residential area is dangerous and illegal.
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I remember my childhood friends and I playing with BB guns. We had a blast! Of course we weren't to ever aim at each other; but kids being kids and games being games we ended up playing army.
Everything was fine till my friend got hit in the forehead and the BB lodged directly under his skin. As it turned out the injury was minor and could have been much worse(his eye). We kind of freaked and went to my mom, a nurse. She fixed my friend and soundly defeated us all in hand to hand combat(She was a WW2 veteran).
Moral of story;
Don't even think about giving a kid a BB gun unless;
1. You check it out with his mom
2. You are prepared to supervise every use.
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With my first BB gun I shot my little sister in the face. Now I keep my 30-30 loaded at all times. WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH PUNA!!!
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Recently, I enjoyed the very best pork I have ever tasted (and I grew up raising and eating homegrown pork).
That recent delicious feast was harvested with a 30-30 (a friend's, not mine) and that is what it has to do with Hawaii.
James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park