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Blue Hawaiian
Good morning everyone;

Thanks for your comments. I have worked with the flight staff over the last week with regards to the altitudes we use between the airport and the Forest Reserve. I have been flying in Hilo to evaluate some other options that might work for us. There are areas that due to past efforts have been not been included as possible alternatives. I am rethinking some of them under certian conditions. It seems that there might be an altuiude threshold that we can work with to open up some extra airspace. I have instructed the pilots adjust the climb rates out of the airport when weather conditions permit. The idea would be to fly whatever route allows for the highest altitude until decent can be made in unpopulated areas.

It will take a week or so to get everyone on board as the pilots rotate through their shifts. I would appreciate you comments as to whether or not you notice any improvement.



It is amazing to me the patience that you show after all the harranging that you get from those who will just not take yes for an answer. Kudos Darl.


Darl,thanks for your responses.Let's hope your ideas work.As far as the Native American Center goes,yes no helicopters, period, over them is the Law.This goes with the answer to Bob about the AIRFA.In the AIRFA,legislative history of P.L. 95-341,page 3..."The third area of concern is actual interference in religious events.In some instances,those who interfere have good motives or are merely curious.These instances include being present at ceremonies which require strict isolation,even to the extent of circling the ceremony in small aircraft." The document mentions no aircraft are to fly over Native American ceremonies,sacred sites and sacred objects. So,it is with great excitement that the Native American Center may get relief from these overflights so that sacred ceremonies can resume.Do they need to send you another map Darl? As far as the other stuff,let's hope this great start really pans into fruition.And Daniel you act like this is the first time we heard yes.People have heard it for years with no walk to the talk,so pardon their skepticism and don't be so quick to judge.I will keep you,Darl, posted. Of course,no one is flying in this storm.Okay,stay dry and have a great day everyone.Be safe on the roads today, the wind has hurricane like gusts up to 70 miles an hour!!!!!!

I think a meeting would be a good idea. Bring in some maps and lets sit down and look at the whole picture.

Okay,good idea.......after the holidays we will arrange it..........HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darl...i'm the one on 9 rd in hawn far today, sunday 12/30 between 8am and 10:30 am has many back and forth LOW and RIGHT over my whatever flight plan your company is using is going right over 9 road
i fricken hate it
I have been absent for a few weeks due to the arrival fd several new pilots in Maui. I have asked that the suggested meeting be rescheduled for about 1 to 2 weeks latter as the 28th is a problem.

I have worked with the Big Island pilots on altitudes over the past weeks and this should have been noticable on days when the weather allows. I will bring our current maps to the meeting with the routes we are flying.
Originally posted by Darl

I have been absent for a few weeks due to the arrival fd several new pilots in Maui. I have asked that the suggested meeting be rescheduled for about 1 to 2 weeks latter as the 28th is a problem.

I have worked with the Big Island pilots on altitudes over the past weeks and this should have been noticable on days when the weather allows. I will bring our current maps to the meeting with the routes we are flying.

Originally posted by Darl

I have been absent for a few weeks due to the arrival fd several new pilots in Maui. I have asked that the suggested meeting be rescheduled for about 1 to 2 weeks latter as the 28th is a problem.

I have worked with the Big Island pilots on altitudes over the past weeks and this should have been noticable on days when the weather allows. I will bring our current maps to the meeting with the routes we are flying.

Aloha, I realize this is a very old thread, but Obie pointed it out on another forum, and can we PLEASE revisit this? You still around Darl? Fern Forest is being bombarded and it's time to talk. We need a change in flight paths again. Can't we find some way to spread these things out? Some take the ocean, some take highways, the least amount take over subdivisions... seriously - 5 copters a day would seem like a peaceful heaven. We have climbed to 2 direct overheads AN HOUR this week, along w/ several indirect but close and LOUD flyovers. What happened to the suggestion of making your volcano tours base near the Volcano?? How soon do you think you'll be replacing these obnoxiously loud things with quieter copters? Would painting 'Helicopter's Crash' on our roof really work??!!

I've heard your company cares about the public, hopefully we can see some changes.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I've been here a few years now.

When I first moved here the helicopters annoyed me a lot. Now I'm totally used to them.

The Coquis too...

My Father ( an ex WW II vet) used to say...
"You can get used to almost anything if you're around it long enough."
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I don't see us getting used to direct overhead flights double on the hour... To be clear: I'm not talking about the distant drone of a copter.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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